Обсуждение: need some help with an opennms query/insert


need some help with an opennms query/insert

"Patrick Ramsey"
Hey guys,
I am an OpenNMS admin and new to Postgres.  I have just updated around 1100 devices manually with multiple categories and left out a category from each...  What I would like to do is run a sql statement that will select any node with a category ID of X and add to that node a category ID of Y....
pgsql 8.1.5
table looks like this:
public.category_node (trimmed to one nodeid)
categoryid nodeid
27            865
26            865
I want to search all rows for categoryid of 27, then insert a row with categoryid of 30 to that same nodeid.  so it would look like this.
categoryid nodeid
27            865
26            865
30            865
I think I have this much:
SELECT "categoryid" FROM "public"."category_node" WHERE "categoryid" = '27'
Is this the right track?  and then, how do I insert a row?

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Re: need some help with an opennms query/insert

Alan Hodgson
On Friday 02 November 2007, "Patrick Ramsey" <Patrick.Ramsey@wellstar.org>
> I think I have this much:
> SELECT "categoryid" FROM "public"."category_node" WHERE "categoryid" =
> '27'

INSERT INTO public.category_node (categoryid,nodeid) SELECT 30,nodeid
  FROM public.category_node WHERE categoryid = 27;

Q: Why did God create economists?
A: In order to make weather forecasters look good.

Re: need some help with an opennms query/insert

"Patrick Ramsey"
Thanks Alan!  Obviously I was NOT on the right track... :)

>>> Alan Hodgson <ahodgson@simkin.ca> 11/2/2007 2:39 PM >>>
On Friday 02 November 2007, "Patrick Ramsey" <Patrick.Ramsey@wellstar.org>
> I think I have this much:
> SELECT "categoryid" FROM "public"."category_node" WHERE "categoryid" =
> '27'

INSERT INTO public.category_node (categoryid,nodeid) SELECT 30,nodeid 
  FROM public.category_node WHERE categoryid = 27;

Q: Why did God create economists?
A: In order to make weather forecasters look good.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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