Обсуждение: Pqintaller for Windows Leaving me with Questions


Pqintaller for Windows Leaving me with Questions

"Bob Talbot"

Using the PQinstaller I do want to install as a server to use on network. ( W/O Win Server)

During the Service Configuration Window section An Account Name, Domain Name and a Password are created.

The installer defaults to Account Name = postgres and Domain Name = MyDell.

Now MyDell is my computers Name. Not my domain name

Is there some reason the installer has chosen my Computer Name as the Domain Name and not my actual Network (Domain Name)?

Can I or should I use my actual network name?

Should the Postmaster be on a separate network?

Lastly, in windows do I use Root or do I create other users to access and create databases?

Sorry for so many questions. Windows Networking is very general on a peer to peer network, I do not have Win Server.

However I Still have a Linux server running on network but I must get up to speed with the Postgresql Win version w/o Win Server.


Re: Pqintaller for Windows Leaving me with Questions

John DeSoi
On Apr 18, 2005, at 4:13 PM, Bob Talbot wrote:

> During the Service Configuration Window section An Account Name,
> Domain Name and a Password are created.
> The installer defaults to Account Name = postgres and Domain Name =
> MyDell.
> Now MyDell is my computers Name. Not my domain name
> Is there some reason the installer has chosen my Computer Name as the
> Domain Name and not my actual Network (Domain Name)?
> Can I or should I use my actual network name?

I'm not aware of any connection of PostgreSQL and Windows account
domains. I suspect that entry may be needed for some feature related to
Windows services. Connection to PostgreSQL just needs IP address and
port number.

> Should the Postmaster be on a separate network?

There is no reason it has to be that way.

> Lastly, in windows do I use Root or do I create other users to access
> and create databases?

Once the database cluster is created, the key issue is the *database*
user and not the Windows user account. People get this often get this
confused because the PostgreSQL utilities default to the Windows
account user name if no user name is supplied in the connection
specification. The database super user account is the starting point
for creating other users and deciding on their privileges including the
ability to create other databases.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL