Обсуждение: Conditionally altering tables


Conditionally altering tables

Colin McGuigan
Coming from Microsoft SQL Server here...

Is there a way to write a script so that it will make required schema
changes, only if they haven't already been done?

Eg, I have a script that should add a NewField field to MyTable, as so:


This works fine the first time it runs, but if I run this script against
the database again, I get a message saying that NewField already exists,
and the script errors out.  In MSSQL, I could write something like:

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects so INNER JOIN syscolumns sc ON
so.id = sc.id WHERE so.Name = 'MyTable' and sc.Name = 'NewField) ALTER
TABLE MyTable ADD COLUMN NewField integer NULL

And it would be fine.  Is there something similar I could do in Postgres
without having to write individual stored procedures for each one?

--Colin McGuigan

Re: Conditionally altering tables

"Mike G."

Query pg_attribute table / catalog to see if it exists.

See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/interactive/catalog-pg-attribute.html



On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 05:07:23PM -0600, Colin McGuigan wrote:
> Coming from Microsoft SQL Server here...
> Is there a way to write a script so that it will make required schema
> changes, only if they haven't already been done?
> Eg, I have a script that should add a NewField field to MyTable, as so:
> ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD COLUMN NewField integer NULL
> This works fine the first time it runs, but if I run this script against
> the database again, I get a message saying that NewField already exists,
> and the script errors out.  In MSSQL, I could write something like:
> IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects so INNER JOIN syscolumns sc ON
> so.id = sc.id WHERE so.Name = 'MyTable' and sc.Name = 'NewField) ALTER
> TABLE MyTable ADD COLUMN NewField integer NULL

> And it would be fine.  Is there something similar I could do in Postgres
> without having to write individual stored procedures for each one?
> --Colin McGuigan
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: Conditionally altering tables

Colin McGuigan
Mike G. wrote:
 > Yes,
 > Query pg_attribute table / catalog to see if it exists.
 > See
 > HTH

I'm sorry; my question was more along the lines of, "How can I put this
into a SQL script and run it repeatedly without errors?"  AFAIK,
Postgres doesn't support any sort of conditional outside of a procedure,
so something along the lines of:

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_class INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON
pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid WHERE pg_class.relname = 'MyTable'
AND pg_attribute.attname = 'NewField') ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD COLUMN
NewField integer NULL

Doesn't work -- syntax error near "IF".  If I put it into a procedure
and run that, it'll work fine, but I'd prefer to avoid having to have a
different procedure for each schema change that may be made.

--Colin McGuigan