Обсуждение: PGSQL 8-beta for WinXP Home Edition Instructions


PGSQL 8-beta for WinXP Home Edition Instructions

Jeff Skeith
Can anybody help get me started here?  I've downloaded the 8-beta .msi file and ran set up on my XP Home laptop.  Now I have no clue what to do.

I followed Carlo's web tutorial and got almost all the way through the Cygwin install for 7.4.3 (many, many times), but, alas, I ended here...


When I type in the three lines of code - cygrunsrv --install postmaster ...  --shutdown, I get the following error:

cygrunsrv: Error installing a service: OpenService: win32 error 1073: The specified service exists already.

When I type in cygrunsrv:  --start postmaster, I get the following error:

cygrunsrv:  Error starting a service: StartService: Win32 error 1069: The service did not start due to logon failure.


That's when I quite that route and went with the version 8-beta.  The only problem is, I haven't seen any instructions that make a lick of sense to me.

Any guidance would be appreciated.  I really want to standardize on PGSQL rather than MySQL, but this whole painful process has left my head ringing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I will post a tutorial of what I did to get PGSQL up and running if I'm able to do it.  If not, I guess I have to go with MySQL even though I would prefer not to go that route.
