Обсуждение: absolute beginner


absolute beginner

I ahve red hat enterprise linux 3. This came with PostgreSQL already installed. An online book says that I should have
thefollowing directoreies under /pgsql : /bin, /data/, /data/base, /doc, /include, /lib, /man. However, I only have the
directories:/data, /internal, and /server. I have the makefile, Makefile.global there as well. 

I am hampered in my ability to follow the online tutorial pages if my configuration is different from everyone elses.

What should I do? Should I upgrade this 7.3.4 to 7.4? Or do something else?



Re: absolute beginner

"Rob Sell"
Redhat just didn't follow the same conventions as most people follow. The
programs you are looking for are there, just type locate psql and it will
tell you where the requested file is. There is very little need to access
any of the other programs except for the conf files, just locate pg_hba.conf
and that should give you the location of the config files...


-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-novice-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Lduren02@aol.com
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 2:10 PM
To: pgsql-novice@postgresql.org
Subject: [NOVICE] absolute beginner

I ahve red hat enterprise linux 3. This came with PostgreSQL already
installed. An online book says that I should have the following directoreies
under /pgsql : /bin, /data/, /data/base, /doc, /include, /lib, /man.
However, I only have the directories: /data, /internal, and /server. I have
the makefile, Makefile.global there as well.

I am hampered in my ability to follow the online tutorial pages if my
configuration is different from everyone elses.

What should I do? Should I upgrade this 7.3.4 to 7.4? Or do something else?



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Re: absolute beginner

Tom Lane
Lduren02@aol.com writes:
> I ahve red hat enterprise linux 3. This came with PostgreSQL already
> installed.

Are you sure you have a complete Postgres installation?  I believe that
a standard RHEL3 install has only the Postgres client-side code (psql,
libpq, etc) and not the server-side code.  The server-side packages are
available in the "Extras" channel, but if you didn't install them it
might account for the apparently missing files.

            regards, tom lane