Обсуждение: Trobuble Installing Postgres on an XP Machine


Trobuble Installing Postgres on an XP Machine

"Paul R. Sand"

I need some help.  I have ftp’d the Postgres Source and used Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 to compile by grabbing the win32.mak file and creating a .dsw file from it.  I then used the .dsw file to perform a build of all components.  The compile seems to have gone OK – I got one warning from out of describe.c that does not appear to be an issue and the ligpq.dll (68KB), libpqdll.lib (19KB), libpq.lib (206KB) and psql.exe (106KB) were all created. I copied libpq.dll to WINDOWS/SYSTEM. When I execute psql.exe, I get the following error:


psql.exe: could not create socket: Address family not supported (0x0000273F/10047)


Any ideas on what I did wrong? Do the sizes of the files created by the build seem to be about right?


The target environment is an IBM T40 running XP Professional.


Paul R. Sand

mVerify Corporation

350 N. Orleans, Suite 950

Chicago, IL 60654

312.881.2017 (voice)

312.881.2001 (fax)

