Обсуждение: connect to database over network


connect to database over network

aa nn


I am trying to connect to the PostgreSQL 7.3.1 database running  on RH-Linux 8. I already compiled my psql program on my Win XP. When I run the followig command:

psql -h synapse.xxx.xxx.xxx -d myDatabse -U postgres

I got the error message as below:

psql: could not connect to server: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054)
        Is the server running on host synapse.xxx.xxx.xxx and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

The thing is that I started the postermaster with -i option and I already added my client PC's IP to the pg_hba.conf. Also, I can ping synapse.xxx.xxx.xxx without any problem. Any suggestions? Thanks.



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Re: connect to database over network

Tom Lane
aa nn <bmewang@yahoo.com> writes:
> psql: could not connect to server: Connection reset by peer (0x00002746/10054)
>         Is the server running on host synapse.xxx.xxx.xxx and accepting
>         TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

> The thing is that I started the postermaster with -i option and I already added my client PC's IP to the pg_hba.conf.

"Connection reset by peer" sounds more like a kernel-level rejection,
anyway.  Perhaps you should check the packet filtering setup on the
Linux box to see if traffic to/from port 5432 is allowed in and out.
(At least in recent RHL releases, the default filtering setup doesn't
allow such traffic.)

            regards, tom lane