Обсуждение: Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please.


Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please.

Hugh Esco
Thank you so much, Mallah, Tomasz Myrta, Luis Sousa,
Achilleus Mantzios, Tom Lane, Bill Eaton and Oliver Elphick.

I have chmod 755 my readpgenv file, and then copied the
shell script suggested by Tomasz Myrta into that file,
yielding these results:

>biko:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin# cd /usr/bin
>biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres
>No database specified
>biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres template1
>/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/readpgenv: ./etc/postgresql/postgresql.env: No
>such file
>  or directory

How should that file read?

>Could not execv /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/psql

Then I copied the readpgenv shell script to readpgenv.bu,
and deleted all the text from the readpgenv script,
leaving an empty file with 755 permissions.

>biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres template1
>Could not execv /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/psql

tried a different database (which exists according to pgAdmin II).

>biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres ggp_test2
>Could not execv /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/psql

Then I changed user from root to postgres,
under which this database had been created:

>biko:/usr/bin# su postgres
>biko:/usr/bin$ ./psql -U postgres ggp_test2
>Could not execv /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/psql

That's the current crop of errors following the advice to date.
As postgres, here is how my .profile in that user's home directory reads:

>biko:/usr/bin$ whoami
>biko:/usr/bin$ cd
>biko:~$ pwd
>biko:~$ ls -al
>total 20
>drwx------    3 postgres postgres     4096 Oct 15 08:42 .
>drwxr-xr-x   20 root     root         4096 Oct 14 06:43 ..
>-rw-------    1 postgres postgres     1343 Nov 16 17:45 .bash_history
>-rw-r--r--    1 postgres postgres      175 Oct 14 06:43 .profile
>drwx------    7 postgres postgres     4096 Nov 18 18:55 data
>biko:~$ cat .profile
>. /etc/postgresql/postmaster.conf

Shouldn't these environmental variables handle what the readpgenv file is
supposed to do for me?

Any ideas on what my next steps should be would be greatly appreciated.

-- Hugh Esco

At 10:39 AM 11/17/02 +0530, Mallah wrote:
>$ psql -U <username> <databasename>
>and post the error encountered.
><and I had previously written, in part:>
> > Hey folks:
> >
> > I am able to consistently start and stop the postgreSQL server and
> to  access it across our
> > office network with pgAdmin II.  I have had no luck  invoking the psql
> command line prompt,
> > from where I can enter queries and  start to surmount the learning
> curve from background with
> > mySQL to my next  step with postgreSQL.  Can anyone help me figure out,
> please, what this is
> > about and what I can do about it?
> >
> > I am operating on a Debian Woody Platform,
> > with postgreSQL 7.2.1 and ODBC driver 7.1.9.

Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please.

Oliver Elphick
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 04:48, Hugh Esco wrote:
> Thank you so much, Mallah, Tomasz Myrta, Luis Sousa,
> Achilleus Mantzios, Tom Lane, Bill Eaton and Oliver Elphick.
> I have chmod 755 my readpgenv file, and then copied the
> shell script suggested by Tomasz Myrta into that file,
> yielding these results:
> >biko:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin# cd /usr/bin
> >biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres
> >No database specified
> >biko:/usr/bin# ./psql -U postgres template1
> >/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/readpgenv: ./etc/postgresql/postgresql.env: No
> >such file
> >  or directory
> How should that file read?
> >Could not execv /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/psql

I don't really know what is going on here.  I suggest the quickest and
easiest thing to do is to purge and reinstall the packages, since they
seem to have got into a total mess, somehow.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
     "To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and
      thy faithfulness every night."     Psalms 92:2

Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please.

Oliver Elphick
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 04:48, Hugh Esco wrote:
> Shouldn't these environmental variables handle what the readpgenv file is
> supposed to do for me?

Yes, and they do.  But readpgenv will read any unset variables from

It is required because Debian policy forbids me to rely on their being
set.  So I have to ensure that I can read them even if the user hasn't
set them.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
     "To show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and
      thy faithfulness every night."     Psalms 92:2

Re: [SQL] Problems invoking psql. Help please.

Hugh Esco
Hey folks,

I'm back having made some limited progress, of sorts.

I attempted to run pg_ctl reload to update the pg_hba.conf file, which had
been edited while the postgreSQL server was running.  It gave me an error
message indicating that psql was not in my /usr/lib/postgresql/bin
directory.  So, on a whim, I copied it from my /usr/bin directory, dropping
an additional copy in the /usr/lib/postgresql/bin directory and ran pg_ctl
reload again, with good results.

That got me excited, thinking perhaps somehow my psql file just got
mis-filed and that perhaps I could invoke it's copy from its new home.  So
I ran:
>biko:/usr/lib/postgresql/bin# ./psql -U postgres ggp_test

and I didn't get an error message this time!  Oh happy day!  Top says that
psql is running using 3.7% of CPU and 0.5% of memory.  The hard disk has
been spinning ever since.  But I got no prompt.  Half an hour later, still
no prompt.

So I am back asking, what now?

I'm close.  I can sense it.

All help is appreciated.

-- Hugh Esco