Обсуждение: less not found


less not found

"Juliet May"
Does anyone know what the message less: not found mean? I get it when I try running a simple simple select on my table
SELECT * FROM corporate
I know the table exists because I can get info about the table by typing
\d corporate
And I can see the data when I view it through pgadminII but I can't see it from the shell :(.
I'm terribly frustrated. I have looked through my book Postgresql Developer's Handbook, one of the books online, and the documentation but so far no luck on finding any answers.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Re: less not found

Jason Earl
"Juliet May" <jmay@speark.com> writes:

> Does anyone know what the message less: not found mean? I get it when I try
> running a simple simple select on my table

less is a pager (a special program for displaying pages of text), and
as such it is a very common replacement for 'more.'  Yes, UNIX hackers
are all crazy.

psql uses a less as a pager if it is installed.  Apparently psql
thinks that less is installed but it isn't.

From the psql man page it would appear that your $PAGER variable is
getting set.  Try 'echo $PAGER' and see what it says.  Or better yet
just install less, it's quite a bit better than more, and very useful.
