Обсуждение: Cannot Modify or Delete 'Some' Old Records?


Cannot Modify or Delete 'Some' Old Records?

"Phillip J. Allen"
Hi all,

I have a postgres 7.1.2 bibliography database on a RH7.2 server that I
enter records through an MS Access97 front end.  One of my tables
contains a list of authors which I created by:
CREATE TABLE "c_author" (
  "type_numb" int4 DEFAULT nextval('"c_author_type_numb_seq"'::text) NOT
  "auth_code" bpchar(6),
  "auth_fname" bpchar(50),
  "auth_mname" bpchar(50),
  "auth_plname" bpchar(50),
  "auth_mlname" bpchar(50),
  "auth_com" bool,
  "auth_memo" text,
  CONSTRAINT "c_author_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("type_numb")
GRANT ALL ON "c_author" TO "paallen";
GRANT ALL ON "c_author" TO GROUP "biblio";

The type_numb column was originally created with a “SERIAL PRIMARY KEY”

I imported a few records into the table from an original access97 table
I had.  I can now add new records to this table in access97’s tables or
form views and edit/modify them afterwards.  Some old records that I
appended into the psql table from the earlier access97 table I cannot
now edit or modify in access97’s table view or forms.  But these
“access97 un-editable records” can be edited/modified/deleted in psql or
pgAdmin II (V1.1 build 34).  What’s wrong?  The error MS Access97’s
error message reads:
Write Confict
This record has been changed by another user since you started editing
it.  If you save the record you will overwrite the changes the other
user made……….

And keep in mind there is only 1 user using the database and it is me.

I have some other tables that I built the same way and I haven’t had any
problems editing records.  Most of these tables I ported directly from
access to postgres using an ODBC link, then dumped the tables, modifed
the dump sql file (to add a serial primary key column), deleted the
table and loaded the dump sql file.  Then I updated the next value for
my sequence.  Is this procedure the root of my problems now?


Phillip J. Allen
Consulting Geochemist/Geologist
Lima Peru
e-mail: paallen@attglobal.net