Обсуждение: How to start Postmaster during boot?


How to start Postmaster during boot?

"Phillip J. Allen"
Hi all,

Well I compiled postgresql 7.1. for the first time on RH7.1 and all went

well (normally I just install the rpm).  I followed the instructions in
the contrib/start-scripts/linux file and copied the file.  After
modifying PGDATA location & adding and -i to the startup in the
postgresql file copied into the /etc/rc.d/init.d, I made symbolic links
to the rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, and the rc5.d directories.
But in RH7.1 there is also a rc6.d directory, so I put a K02postrgresql
link into it.

Is this correct?  I rebooted and it took forever to get past the
sendmail check during boot.  After bootup finished my postmaster was
running and I could connect to my database over the network.  So at
least psql is working well.  But sendmail I don't think is working.  Any


Phillip J. Allen
Consulting Geochemist/Geologist
Lima Peru
e-mail: paallen@attglobal.net