Обсуждение: inserting a file into a database.


inserting a file into a database.

"Christopher Smith"

Hi all,

I'm trying to insert a file into a database from a php form. Here's my sql

$sql="insert into scripts (id, submittedby, description, script, scriptfile)
values (nextval('scripts_id_seq'), '$loginname', '$description', '$script',

Here's the error I get..

Warning: PostgresSQL query failed: ERROR: You must have Postgres superuser
privilege to use server-side lo_import(). Anyone can use the client-side
lo_import() provided by libpq. in put-file.php on line 4

OK, I understand the error, no problems. How do I fix it? How do I get around
it? Anyone have a better solution for the sql statement? I don't want to use
libpq, I wanted to be able to do it with php. My webserver runs as "wwwrun", my
postgres superuser is "postgres".

Here's my permission table..

xxxx=# \z
Access permissions for database "xxxx"
     Relation     | Access permissions
 scripts          | {"=","wwwrun=arwR"}
 scripts_id_seq   | {"=","wwwrun=arwR"}

If anyone has some suggestions, please let me know.


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Re: inserting a file into a database.

Claus Houmøller

You can use the pg_lo* functions in php4 (I think these functions are
implemented using libpq, and therefore there are no problems with
permissions). First you have to open your file for reading, then create
a large object id, create a large object file pointer (for writing),
write data to the object fp, and finaly do an 'insert' with the given
oid. All this has to be done in a single pgsql transaction, like:

$fp = fopen("/tmp/ferrari.jpg", "r");
pg_exec($db_conn, "begin");
$loid = pg_locreate($db_conn);
$lofp = pg_loopen($db_conn, $loid, "w");
while( $nbytes = fread($fp, BUFSIZE) )
        $tmp = pg_lowrite($lofp, $nbytes);
        if( $tmp < $nbytes )
                echo "error while writing large object";
pg_exec($db_conn, "insert into car values(nextval('car_id_seq'), " .
$loid . ")";
pg_exec($db_conn, "commit");

...that works for me..


Claus Houmøller

Christopher Smith wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to insert a file into a database from a php form. Here's my sql
> statement..
> $sql="insert into scripts (id, submittedby, description, script, scriptfile)
> values (nextval('scripts_id_seq'), '$loginname', '$description', '$script',
> lo_import('$userfile'))";
> Here's the error I get..
> Warning: PostgresSQL query failed: ERROR: You must have Postgres superuser
> privilege to use server-side lo_import(). Anyone can use the client-side
> lo_import() provided by libpq. in put-file.php on line 4
> OK, I understand the error, no problems. How do I fix it? How do I get around
> it? Anyone have a better solution for the sql statement? I don't want to use
> libpq, I wanted to be able to do it with php. My webserver runs as "wwwrun", my
> postgres superuser is "postgres".
> Here's my permission table..
> xxxx=# \z
> Access permissions for database "xxxx"
>      Relation     | Access permissions
> ------------------+---------------------
>  scripts          | {"=","wwwrun=arwR"}
>  scripts_id_seq   | {"=","wwwrun=arwR"}
> If anyone has some suggestions, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
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> is confidential and subject to legal privilege.  If you are not the intended
> recipient, do not read, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message or
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