Обсуждение: Proper database shutdown procedure


Proper database shutdown procedure

Jules Agee
I'm glad there is a novice list.

I can't find anything about database shutdown in the docs.
I'm more familiar with Oracle, where an improper shutdown
will leave the database in an inconsistent state. Will
PostgreSQL catch a kill signal and automatically start a
graceful shutdown, or is there something I'm missing?
Jules Agee

Re: Proper database shutdown procedure

Mark Versaggi

To shutdown postgres.....kill the process. There are instructions in the

docs, but i'd need to know which version of postgres your running.

I'm a novice as far as things go, having had a lot of trouble on my
FBSD box...but it works great and is very easy to use once it's up and

P.S.   If anyone would like a postgress msg board started up, let me
and I'll install one today . You may have to hit it from an IP address,
depending on where I can place it...(not sure if i've got a domain to
put it on  this week)
but it's a working forum none the less...This way we could keep threads
of discussions
and such.

Let me know if there is interest in this....Everyone can feel free to
email me on this topic.

Have a great saturday.....i'll be here working on the computer and
helping my oldest daughter build a mission out of sugar cubes all


Jules Agee wrote:

> I'm glad there is a novice list.
> I can't find anything about database shutdown in the docs.
> I'm more familiar with Oracle, where an improper shutdown
> will leave the database in an inconsistent state. Will
> PostgreSQL catch a kill signal and automatically start a
> graceful shutdown, or is there something I'm missing?
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jules Agee
> jules@semerutech.com