Обсуждение: Re: [BUGS] Mapping Hibernate boolean to smallint(Postgresql)


Re: [BUGS] Mapping Hibernate boolean to smallint(Postgresql)

Jeff Hubbach
You might want to check ANSI SQL 99 and update your rant regarding there being no boolean in ANSI SQL.

Where do you get the impression that boolean is treated as a char? Just because it doesn't handle an implicit cast from a shortint?

You have been given some very good suggestions as to how your application can support the way PostgreSQL and the jdbc driver work. The other option that has been given to you is to patch the jdbc driver code to handle the implicit cast you desire. One of the beauties of open source is that if you want the code to do something it doesn't currently do, you can make that modification yourself.

I humbly recommend you take some of these potential suggestions to your engineers who are actually writing the code. They might understand the complexity or simplicity of each suggestion on a level which you do not.

-- Jeff Hubbach