Обсуждение: JDBC issue


JDBC issue

Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra
Hi all.

I searched at google and did not find any answer. I have a pretty old
JDCB driver in my java web application that uses postgres 7.4 for
databse, if I update the driver to the 7.4 build 216 version some of the
querys like the next show no results in the ResultSet object:

SELECT a.reg_users_id_user AS id, a.first_name AS fn, a.last_name AS ln,
a.sur_name AS sn, ar.name AS area, u.email AS email FROM reg_aspirants a
INNER JOIN areas ar ON a.areas_id_area1 = ar.id_area INNER JOIN
reg_schools s ON a.reg_schools_id_school = s.id_school INNER JOIN
reg_users u ON a.reg_users_id_user = u.id_user INNER JOIN
reg_tests_aspirants ta ON a.reg_users_id_user = ta.reg_id_aspirant INNER
JOIN reg_tests t ON ta.reg_id_test = t.id_test INNER JOIN reg_calendars
c ON t.reg_calendars_id_calendar = c.id_calendar AND c.is_active AND
t.test_type = 'p' AND a.status = 'ap' GROUP BY a.reg_users_id_user,
a.first_name, a.last_name, a.sur_name, ar.name, s.name, u.email ORDER BY
a.last_name, a.sur_name, a.first_name ASC

but the same querys are working well if they are runned at pgsql, is
there something to I must to know in the newer version's API?.
I need to update the driver in order to use iBATIS because the older one
throw an exception: "java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  SET AUTOCOMMIT TO
OFF is no longer supported.".

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Ing. Joel Alejandro Espinosa Carra
CINVESTAV CTS - Centro de Tecnología de Semiconductores
Tel. +52 (33) 3770-3700 ext. 1049

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