Обсуждение: Using postgresql connection in distributed environment


Using postgresql connection in distributed environment

"Zoltan Fulop"

I am using openorb, openorb transaction service, openorb implementation of JTA, and the XA classes provided by
postgresqlto execute distributed transactions. 
When i use only one resource, the transaction commits properly (since the prepare() method does not get invoked), but
wheni use more then one resources in a global transaction, it seems that the prepare() call of the
org.postgresql.xa.XAConnectionImplthrows an XAException indicating that it was invoked in an improper context
(XAException.XAER_PROTO),which is caused by having the TxConnection.count > 0 condition. Here is a breief discription
onthe sequence of calls: 

Create transaction (getting CosTransactions::Control)
cache it with some id.

processB: (different control of thread than processA created Control in)
get Control from processA for a specific ID.
resume CosTransactions::Current with that control.
Get XAConnection from org.postgressql.PostgresqlDataSource
register XAResource (from XAConnection) with JTA (the JTA implementation uses CosTransaction::Current to talk to the
exercute some sql command using the connetion aquired from XAConnection

do the same as processB

processA: (after receiving notification from processB and processC about the completion of the task)
get the CosTransaction::Control for the id.
call commit.

When i call commit, it calls prepare() on the registered XAResources, but since the TxConnection.count is 1 it throws
theexception (described above) 
However if i change the code (org.postgresql.xa.XAConnectionImpl.java: around line 670) that the comparison is
"txConn.count> 1" (instead of "txConn.count > 0") the transaction commits properly... 

Any help is greatly apprechiated,
Thank you,
Zoltan Fulop

Re: Using postgresql connection in distributed environment

Kovács Péter
You cannot use PostgreSQL in a truely global transaction. PostgreSQL does
not support distributed transactions in general and it does not support 2pc
in particular. The XA interface is only a fake 2pc interface. You can use it
safely only for transactions, in which one single DataSource is involved.
Last time I checked, this fake 2pc interface did not correctly work even for
single DataSource transactions without some small modification. I think that
my modification was something similar to what you mention in your mail, but
I do not remember any more. If you're interested I can dig out what
modification I needed back then to get it work properly.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zoltan Fulop [mailto:zfulop@csi.ca]
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 10:13 PM
> To: pgsql-jdbc@postgresql.org
> Subject: [JDBC] Using postgresql connection in distributed environment
> Hello,
> I am using openorb, openorb transaction service, openorb
> implementation of JTA, and the XA classes provided by
> postgresql to execute distributed transactions.
> When i use only one resource, the transaction commits
> properly (since the prepare() method does not get invoked),
> but when i use more then one resources in a global
> transaction, it seems that the prepare() call of the
> org.postgresql.xa.XAConnectionImpl throws an XAException
> indicating that it was invoked in an improper context
> (XAException.XAER_PROTO), which is caused by having the
> TxConnection.count > 0 condition. Here is a breief
> discription on the sequence of calls:
> processA:
> Create transaction (getting CosTransactions::Control)
> cache it with some id.
> processB: (different control of thread than processA created
> Control in)
> get Control from processA for a specific ID.
> resume CosTransactions::Current with that control.
> Get XAConnection from org.postgressql.PostgresqlDataSource
> register XAResource (from XAConnection) with JTA (the JTA
> implementation uses CosTransaction::Current to talk to the
> distributed transaction)
> exercute some sql command using the connetion aquired from
> XAConnection
> processC:
> do the same as processB
> processA: (after receiving notification from processB and
> processC about the completion of the task)
> get the CosTransaction::Control for the id.
> call commit.
> When i call commit, it calls prepare() on the registered
> XAResources, but since the TxConnection.count is 1 it throws
> the exception (described above)
> However if i change the code
> (org.postgresql.xa.XAConnectionImpl.java: around line 670)
> that the comparison is "txConn.count > 1" (instead of
> "txConn.count > 0") the transaction commits properly...
> Any help is greatly apprechiated,
> Thank you,
> Zoltan Fulop
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to
> majordomo@postgresql.org)