Обсуждение: Re: PGaccess can't find 'oids'


Re: PGaccess can't find 'oids'

Constantin Teodorescu
Lynn wrote:

>I highlight a table name and then I clicked on the button
>"Design" and an error message pop up "Error:Error: Attribute 'oid' not found"
>Clicked "Details" button
>ERROR:  Attribute "oid" not found
>ERROR:  Attribute "oid" not found

That's irrecoverable.
PgAccess was designed for PostgreSQL tables that have 'oid' that mean 
'object identifier', a long integer that's unique for every row in aby 
tables across the database.
Your postgresql seems to use tables without oid's.,
That mean you should configure PostgreSQL to use 'oids' for any tables.
But really I don't know how to do that.
I posted your question on pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org in order to 
receive an answer.


>    while executing
>"pg_select pgsql4 {select oid,indexrelid from pg_index where (pg_class.relname='employee_name')
>and (pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid)} rec {
>        lappend P..."
>    ("uplevel" body line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"uplevel pg_select $args"
>    (procedure "wpg_select" line 3)
>    invoked from within
>"wpg_select $CurrentDB "select oid,indexrelid from pg_index where
>(pg_class.relname='$PgAcVar(tblinfo,tablename)') and (pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid)..."
>    (procedure "refreshTableInformation" line 48)
>    invoked from within
>    (procedure "Tables::design" line 5)
>    invoked from within
>"Tables::design $objname"
>    ("Tables" arm line 2)
>    invoked from within
>"switch $PgAcVar(activetab) {
>    Tables  {
>        Tables::design $objname
>    }
>    Schema  {
>        Schema::open $objname
>    }
>    Queries {
>        Queries::design $objname
>    }
>    V..."
>    (procedure "Mainlib::cmd_Design" line 7)
>    invoked from within
>    invoked from within
>".pgaw:Main.btndesign invoke"
>    ("uplevel" body line 1)
>    invoked from within
>"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
>    (procedure "tkButtonUp" line 7)
>    invoked from within
>"tkButtonUp .pgaw:Main.btndesign
>    (command bound to event)
>1) How can I get this error message to go away ?
>I clciked the "OK" button, and I can see a Table Information window appeared.
>I clicked on the colums TAB
>I created a new field, but it default to one character in length. There is
>no place to change the length of the field.
>2) How do I change this field to have a length of 11 characters ? 
>Thank you for your help.
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