Обсуждение: Problem trying to connect to a database with PGACCESS


Problem trying to connect to a database with PGACCESS

Fernando de la Fuente Garcia
Hi everybody, 

The problem is that I try to use the PGACCESS to connect to a database
and when I click the open button, it appear the following message:

Error trying to connect to database 'db1' on host localhost.
PostgreSQL error message: Connection to database failed.
ERROR: Client encoding UNICODE is not supported

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? 


Re: Problem trying to connect to a database with PGACCESS

Αλέξανδρος Περδικομάτης
I think you have to enable multibyte functionality for the postgres daemon,
and I think you have to do this at compile time...
Configuration for postgres (configure) must be done using the following
--enable-locale  (to enable the locale support)
--with-mb=encoding  ("mb" for multibyte)
(place the multibyte encoding instead of "encoding")

but I don't know if UTF-8 or what kind of unicode encodings are supported
Anyway, I never did this. I use the libpq interface for now, and I handle
the encodings by hand. Postmaster thinks of plain ascii text and through
this I use UTF-8.

See the admin's manual for more details.
Maybe you can also configure the connection using the environment variable

Hope I helped a bit.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fernando de la Fuente Garcia" <f.fuente@crue.upm.es>
To: <pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 1:28 PM
Subject: [INTERFACES] Problem trying to connect to a database with PGACCESS

> Hi everybody,
> The problem is that I try to use the PGACCESS to connect to a database
> and when I click the open button, it appear the following message:
> Error trying to connect to database 'db1' on host localhost.
> PostgreSQL error message: Connection to database failed.
> ERROR: Client encoding UNICODE is not supported
> "
> Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
> Thanks,
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