Обсуждение: ANNOUNCE: tksql rel 0.5.21


ANNOUNCE: tksql rel 0.5.21

Sandro Dentella
ANNOUNCE tksql/sdsq 0.5.22 - Tcl/Tk packages                          Oct 1 2001

I'm happy to announce release 0.5.22 of tksql a program to edit tables of a
postgreSQL database and sdsql package (tcl/tk library) under the GNU General
Public License. 

Release Notes
  In this release I added some features like total/subtotals, This is  typically a feature of spreadsheets more than
databases,but it adds a  lot of flexibility in browsing data. The ability to edit the data is  retained.
  I have not increased the main number of the release, becouse I promised  myself I would do that only after receiving
atleast some feed back  (maybe complains it does not work!) but in spite of some 2000 downloads,  I heard nothing back.
Thatdoes not encourage a lot at writing more  documentation. Please if you appreciate this, if you have problems, if
youthink tksql lacks some important feature, let me know!


sdsql:  provides editDb and popSqlQuery. The first is a proc to open a       TkTable to edit postgreSQL tables, the
latteris a procedure to       interact dynamically w/ a database.
  features (shared with tksql, the application)
    * one line command to allow editing of postgreSQL table    * easy way to trigger tcl procs as row/cell validation
* easy way to filter the database interactively    * two views: table view w/ TkTable or "mask" (Record in a Page)
editDb-tbl abc -mask     * capability to edit a join statement (limited to *the first*      table in the 'from' part of
thequery. Read Docs)    * possibility to define conditions to add to every reload of      the database, so as to limit
theview of a table or to allow to      add join conditions    * easy possibility to change column represented and
ordering   * possibility to define regexp to force constrain on some      fields or foreign-key-sort of constrain in
theapplication      throught a table of attribute definition    * hooks for logging-capabilities (I do simple
replicationof      database throught that)    * total and subtotal facility when in table view in a way      typically
usedby spreadsheet, possibilty to define a proc to      be used for grouping for subtotal     * search facility among
alreadyreceived tuples, both in a      column or in all columns

There is plenty of screenshot on my site
http://pcco2.mi.infn.it/sd/soft/tksql.html  and more details on these
features. In the package you can find a rich demo.

tksql:  This program allows you to edit tables of databases. You can use it       from the shell prompt in any of these
ways:   (myhost) $ tksql    (myhost) $ tksql -host sql.diade.it    (myhost) $ tksql -host localhost -db mydb -tbl tel
 (myhost) $ tksql -db mydb -sql "select attr1,attr2 from table_a \                  where attr3 = null"        in all
thesecases you will be able to edit the table. If your        select statement is a join tksql will work in read-only
modeor will let you edit only the first table. Comparison to Pgaccess: PgAccess is a more mature peace of software and
providessome capabilities (tools to create the database, change the structure, create or change functions...) that
tksqldoes not have.
 I consider tksql is more flexible as an editing tool (filters, motion in the table, completion of attributes where
applicable,totals, subtotals). Uses TkTable (so you need to have it installed in you pc)          

### Home page      ############

There's a home page for this project:  http://pcco2.mi.infn.it/sd/soft/tksql.html


Sandro Dentella  *:-)
e-mail: sandro@ermit.it sandro.dentella@mi.infn.it