Обсуждение: Re: [PATCHES] PQescapeBytea documentation patch


Re: [PATCHES] PQescapeBytea documentation patch

Patrick Welche
On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:21:00PM -0800, Joe Conway wrote:
> Here's a patch adding documentation for the PQescapeBytea function to 
> libpq.sgml
+    <function>PQescapeBytea</function>
+    Escapes a binary string (bytea type) for use within an SQL query.
+    <synopsis>
+     unsigned char *PQescapeBytea(unsigned char *from,
+                                          size_t from_length,
+                                          size_t *to_length);

This makes me wonder: should libpq contain a function to do the opposite
too? eg.

string=GetValue(from a bytea type column)
PQunescapeBytea(string, some buffer, buffer's size)

- or is there already another way of doing it?

It seems to me that anyone using bytea with libpq will end up having
to reinvent this wheel. (Something worthy of being knocked up in my
Copious Free Time (tm))



Re: [PATCHES] PQescapeBytea documentation patch

Joe Conway
Patrick Welche wrote:

> This makes me wonder: should libpq contain a function to do the opposite
> too? eg.
> string=GetValue(from a bytea type column)
> PQunescapeBytea(string, some buffer, buffer's size)
> - or is there already another way of doing it?
> It seems to me that anyone using bytea with libpq will end up having
> to reinvent this wheel. (Something worthy of being knocked up in my
> Copious Free Time (tm))

I thought about that, but did not write it for a couple of reasons:

First, there wasn't a strong consensus that this type of function 
belonged as part of libpq in the first place, so I didn't want to push 
my luck ;-)

Second, at least in my current work, I'm using binary cursors, in which 
case no unescaping is necessary.

I do agree that a standard bytea unescape function should be available 
in the client library somewhere. Maybe for 7.3 . . .


Cant load pgtclsh library into application

"Amit Padgaonkar"
Hi Guys,           I have just begun coding in tcl/tk and hence sorry for this
simple question.           I am using tcl8.3 / tk8.3  and postgreSQL 7.3 . I am not able to
load pgtclsh library into to my TK application for giving it backend
support.           Can you please suggest me how to proceed?

Thanks,          Amit
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Welche" <prlw1@newn.cam.ac.uk>
To: "Joe Conway" <joseph.conway@home.com>
Cc: <pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] [PATCHES] PQescapeBytea documentation patch

> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 12:21:00PM -0800, Joe Conway wrote:
> > Here's a patch adding documentation for the PQescapeBytea function to
> > libpq.sgml
> ...
> +    <function>PQescapeBytea</function>
> +    Escapes a binary string (bytea type) for use within an SQL query.
> +    <synopsis>
> +     unsigned char *PQescapeBytea(unsigned char *from,
> +                                          size_t from_length,
> +                                          size_t *to_length);
> This makes me wonder: should libpq contain a function to do the opposite
> too? eg.
> string=GetValue(from a bytea type column)
> PQunescapeBytea(string, some buffer, buffer's size)
> - or is there already another way of doing it?
> It seems to me that anyone using bytea with libpq will end up having
> to reinvent this wheel. (Something worthy of being knocked up in my
> Copious Free Time (tm))
> Cheers,
> Patrick
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: Cant load pgtclsh library into application

Tom Lane
"Amit Padgaonkar" <amit@nsat.co.jp> writes:
>             I am using tcl8.3 / tk8.3  and postgreSQL 7.3 . I am not able to
> load pgtclsh library into to my TK application for giving it backend
> support.

pgtclsh is not a library, it is a prebuilt tclsh application with the
libpgtcl library already loaded into it.  You can load the libpgtcl
library into your own application with the usual Tcl "load" command.
pgaccess does it like so:
if {[info exists env(PGLIB)]} {    set libpgtclpath [file join $env(PGLIB) libpgtcl]} else {    set libpgtclpath
{libpgtcl}}load${libpgtclpath}[info sharedlibextension]
        regards, tom lane

Re: Cant load pgtclsh library into application

Jan Wieck
Tom Lane wrote:
> "Amit Padgaonkar" <amit@nsat.co.jp> writes:
> >             I am using tcl8.3 / tk8.3  and postgreSQL 7.3 . I am not able to
> > load pgtclsh library into to my TK application for giving it backend
> > support.
> pgtclsh is not a library, it is a prebuilt tclsh application with the
> libpgtcl library already loaded into it.  You can load the libpgtcl
> library into your own application with the usual Tcl "load" command.
> pgaccess does it like so:
>    if {[info exists env(PGLIB)]} {
>         set libpgtclpath [file join $env(PGLIB) libpgtcl]
>    } else {
>         set libpgtclpath {libpgtcl}
>    }
>    load ${libpgtclpath}[info sharedlibextension]
>              regards, tom lane
   I  use to have a directory .../tcl8.x/lib/pgtcl where I put a   symlink to the libpgtcl.so and the  appropriate
pgkIndex.tcl  file.   The  pgkIndex  can  be  created  by  cd'ing into that   directory, starting a tclsh and issuing
       pkg_mkIndex . ./libpgtcl.so
   Once you have that, your Tcl scripts just need to do a
       package require Pgtcl
   No need for the user to set PGLIB or even know  where  it  is   installed.



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Can not get large cursor for PGLIB ???

Hi all,

I am using the PGLIB C lib to connect to PgSql to finish the query of
the GEOMETRY of a table.

At first, everything was OK. I could insert, update, delete and select of
whatever I wanted while the geometry data was small one.

So I wanted to try a bigger one. I uploaded a ESRI shape file into database
which was in the attachment --- Canada.sql. Then I tried the query.
   res = PQexec(conn, "DECLARE mycursor BINARY CURSOR FOR select gid, name,
asbinary(the_geom) from canada");
   if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)   {       fprintf(stderr, "DECLARE CURSOR command failed\n");
   PQclear(res);       exit_nicely(conn);   }   PQclear(res);
   res = PQexec(conn, "FETCH ALL in mycursor");   if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)   {
fprintf(stderr,"FETCH ALL command didn't return tuples
properly\n");       PQclear(res);       exit_nicely(conn);   }

Then I got the error when try to "FETCH ALL in mycursor".

Could you help me to figure out the problem? Thanks. I have attached
the files needed for you.

Best regards,

Tony Jiang, MSc
Research & Development Programmer/Analyst
MRF Geosystems Corp (www.mrf.com)
Suite 700, 665 8th Street SW,
Calgary, AB T2P 3K7
(403) 216-5515 ext:226