Обсуждение: ODBC and Win98 - Problem!


ODBC and Win98 - Problem!

Dear Sirs!
We have more over 100 computers that are in net.We have worked with Win 95 operating system and use Sql for some of our programs. We had no problems with settings of ODBC for Sql on Win95 operating system.But before a month we decided to change the operating system with Win98. And it have occured problem with settings of ODBC.The programs that use the SQL doesn't work properly. We can't read the data in the tables because the characters are uknown.We guess that the problem become with Code page translator. In settings of ODBC under 95 have option that allow to set the Code page translator that is going to be used but in settings of ODBC under 98 have no such option. I hope I was clear with the explanation of our problem.
Please tell us how to set our ODBC properly using Win 98 operating system in order to work with programs without any problems.
Thanks in advance!
We are waiting for your help!
With kind regards
System administrator
Maria Djambazova