Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] fetching way too much or too often???


Re: [INTERFACES] fetching way too much or too often???

"Ken J. Wright"
At 14:11 06/30/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>we have about 20 folks linked to a postgres 6.4.2 database through 
>msaccess97 and the latest odbc driver.  we have declare/fetch turned on. 
> we are having a problem with the database locking up often!  i am trying 
>to eliminate the possibilities / theories, and i am on the declare/fetch 
>process now.
>when a user selects one record, as a watch on the debug window (started 
>postmaster w/ debug 3), it is processing many (25-50?  who can count that 
>fast??) fetch 100's -- but they only selected one record from one table! 
> why so many fetch 100's??  should i turn off declare / fetch on everyone's 

YES! turn it off!

I think that was before Byron had the cursor library included. It has
little to no value at this point.
