Обсуждение: Perl_ODBC access of 6.4.2


Perl_ODBC access of 6.4.2

"George Henry C. Daswani"
   I've done so..  My devel box is RedHat Linux 6.0 and I used iodbc from
http://www.openlinksw.com/iodbc - downloaded source and compiled it using

configure --prefix=/opt/iodbc --with-iodbc-inidir=/etc
make ; make install

logged in as user postgres with a home dir of /opt/pgsql

then I downloaded the latest postgresql 6.5 snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org
untar-gzipped it (pgsql)

grabbed http://www.insightdist.com/psqlodbc/latest/postsrc.zip

and unzipped it's contents to pgsq/src/interfaces/odbc

then did a

configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql --with-odbc --with-odbcinst=/opt/pgsql
make ; make install

logged in as root

added "/opt/iodbc/lib" to my /etc/ld.so.conf
and "/opt/pgsql/lib" to my /etc/ld.so.conf
did an ldconfig -v

added the following to my /etc/profile.d directory with 755 permisions
----------- postgresql.sh ---------------------


echo ${PATH} | grep -e "${PGDIR}/bin" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "1" ] ; then       PATH=$PATH:${PGDIR}/bin       export PATH

echo ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} | grep -e "${PGDIR}/lib" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "1" ] ; then       LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${PGDIR}/lib       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

echo ${MANPATH} | grep -e "${PGDIR}/man" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "1" ] ; then       MANPATH=${MANPATH}:${PGDIR}/man       export MANPATH
------------------------ CUT HERE ---------------------------
create an ~/odbc.ini file containing
template1 = Template Database

Description = Template Database on PostgreSQL Server Centauri
Driver = /opt/pgsql/lib/libpsqlodbc.so
Servername = centauri
Port = 5432
Database = template1
Protocol = 6.4
ReadOnly = Off
logged in as a postgres user
then made sure postmaster was started with the -i option, and the
pg_hba.conf allowed
connections from my subnet
host    all    password

then did
psql template1
alter user postgres with password "pick.your.own.password";

logged in as root
ftp'd DBI-1.08
did a perl Makefile.PL

ftp'd DBD-ODBD-0.20
export DBI_DSN="dbi:ODBC:template1"
export DBI_USER="postgres"
export DBI_PASS="pick.your.own.password"
did a "perl Makefile.PL -o /opt/iodbc"

vi'd Makefile
and appended
-L/opt/iodbc/lib -liodbc to "LDDFLAGS"
and appended
-I/opt/iodbc/include to "INC"

vi'd the file "dbdodbc.h"
and changed
#include <sql.h> -> <isql.h>
#include <sqlext.h> -> <isqlext.h>

did a "make ; make test (one test will fail) then ; make install"

wala, was able to use DBD-ODBC with postgresql..
Just make sure your ~/.odbc.ini is setup correctly ( the current *.ini
function GetPrivateProfileString IS EXTREMELY BUGGY! so if it core's
it's just that blasted Function call - i'm planning on ripping the iodbc ini
parsing functions
and replacing GetPrivateProfileString with it )
and that postmaster on the server allows socket connections and that a
password has been set on the user account or db you are trying to connect

*NOTE* I also tried unixODBC 1.04 from http://www.genix.net/unixODBC and
used the postgres odbc driver that came with it, it coredumps on the perl
DBD:ODBC make test so I didn't want to use it..  I also compiled these
packages on solaris x86 2.7 - compiles okay and somehow works, but it's also
coredumps from time to time - seems to be alot more stable on linux..

George Daswani

------------------ - ORIGINAL ---------------------------------------

(Yes, I know that there is a DBD/DBI interface for Postgres, but the
project spec says ODBC)

I have a client that wants me to program perl code using ODBC for data
access.  And the target database to talk to is PostgreSQL 6.4.2

Has anyone ever gotten DBD-ODBC-0.20 to interface with PostgreSQL?

Re: [INTERFACES] Perl_ODBC access of 6.4.2

Peter Harvey
> *NOTE* I also tried unixODBC 1.04 from http://www.genix.net/unixODBC and
> used the postgres odbc driver that came with it, it coredumps on the perl
> DBD:ODBC make test so I didn't want to use it..  I also compiled these
> packages on solaris x86 2.7 - compiles okay and somehow works, but it's also
> coredumps from time to time - seems to be alot more stable on linux..


I would like to solve your problem with unixODBC in your test scenario. First a
couple of questions...

1. Does you PostgreSQL driver have UNIXODBC #ifdefs in it. If not than you are
not using the changes/enhancements I have made.
2. Could your provide more info such as the trace file.

Thanks George...

Peter Harvey