Обсуждение: RE: [INTERFACES] Compiling jdbc for Linux and Solaris


RE: [INTERFACES] Compiling jdbc for Linux and Solaris

Peter Mount
It may be the old www.demon.co.uk/finder/postgres one, which ceased to
exist a year ago when I created the retep.org.uk domain. I thought I had
picked up all traces of them when 6.4 came out (while I was doing the

when unsetting CLASSPATH, make sure it's empty, no . nor the location of
classes.zip (it's the latter that's usually the culprit here). The
java_wrapper script adds the jdk classes automatically.

Peter T Mount, IT Section
Anything I write here are my own views, and cannot be taken as the
official words of Maidstone Borough Council

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Perrier [mailto:kent.perrier@pgs.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 3:38 PM
To: pgsql-interfaces@hub.org
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Compiling jdbc for Linux and Solaris

Peter Mount wrote:
> These are both in the FAQ. Try unsetting your CLASSPATH, then run

Many thanks.  I attempted this and this failed as well with the error:
[postgres:/usr/local/src/postgresql-6.4.2/src/interfaces/jdbc]$ make
javac postgresql/CallableStatement.java
postgresql/CallableStatement.java:37: Can't subclass interfaces:
interface java.sql.PreparedStatement
public class CallableStatement extends PreparedStatement implements
Note: postgresql/CallableStatement.java uses or overrides a deprecated
API.  Recompile with "-deprecation" for details.
1 error, 1 warning
make: *** [postgresql/CallableStatement.class] Error 1
[postgres:/usr/local/src/postgresql-6.4.2/src/interfaces/jdbc]$ echo


> FAQ & Pre-compiled drivers are on my web site:
> http://www.retep.org.uk/postgres/

The url listed in the readme file with my distribution lists a different
url.  One that I cannot get to as it doesn't exist.  Perhaps if the
readme was correct I would have found your FAQ and precompiled drives
before I asked the question here.

work hard, save aggressively, invest well and get the hell out