Обсуждение: libpq help...thud..thud....help....


libpq help...thud..thud....help....

i've just started development on a postgres database and im having a bit of grief
with postgres. the DB is stored on another server and im conecting from another machine with the libpq libary on it. If set all the paramters i can with PQsetdb but when i run my test program all i get is  'unsupported frontend protocol' . I know im getting to the server becuase the logfile for the postmaster shows the same error. I've checked the pg_hba.conf file as well and ive set the hosts correctly. any ideas, like i said im new to this and theres no-onw here to ask........wibble!
hope you can help

Re: [INTERFACES] libpq help...thud..thud....help....

Rolf Jentsch
Stuart wrote:

> i've just started development on a postgres database and im having a bit of grief
> with postgres. the DB is stored on another server and im conecting from another machine with the libpq libary on it.
Ifset all the paramters i can with PQsetdb but when i run my test program all i get is  'unsupported frontend protocol'
.I know im getting to the server becuase the logfile for the postmaster shows the same error. I've checked the
pg_hba.conffile as well and ive set the hosts correctly. any ideas, like i said im new to this and theres no-onw here
> hope you can help
> Stoo

Hallo Stoo,

you are probably trying to access a postgres version 6.3 database with a
6.4 libpq. If this is true, either upgrade the database or downgrage your lib.

cu Rolf Jentsch