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Subject:       pgsql-interfaces-digest V1 #283

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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

pgsql-interfaces-digest   Wednesday, March 24 1999   Volume 01 : Number 283


Undeliverable Message


Date: Thu, 25 Mar 99 3:43:09 +0100
From: <MAILER-DAEMON@mail1.sfr.fr>
Subject: Undeliverable Message

To:            ISMTP@SFRA0046@Servers[<pgsql-interfaces-digest@hub.org>]
Subject:       pgsql-interfaces-digest V1 #282

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- ----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

pgsql-interfaces-digest   Wednesday, March 24 1999   Volume 01 : Number 282


Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?
RE: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql
Re: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql
Re: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql
Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC Query performance
[ANN] pg.el -- Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL
Re: [INTERFACES] Invalid BLOB Length
Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?
Re: [INTERFACES] Problem using Having in a sub-query wit the Count  function.
Re: [INTERFACES] Problem using Having in a sub-query wit the Count function.
[Fwd: [INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC]
MkLinux & ODBC compile error
pgaccess - can I tab through columns without the mouse?
Re: [INTERFACES] Resignation
Re: [INTERFACES] Resignation

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:03:14 -0800
From: "Daniel" <daniel@ids.org.my>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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    charsetContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

After many times of reconfiguring the ODBC connection profile, recreating
the database, and even re-installing the postODBC, I think the problem lies
on the fact that Powerbuilder needs a set of its own system (or 'catalog')
tables in order to work properly in the *visual* mode. Because right now
Powerbuilder reports an error ("Catalog table could not be created and are
not available for use") everytime I start a connection to the database.
Interestingly, I could create a table with INT4 and CHAR fields from
Powerbuilder's text mode and it worked, but in visual mode, it could only
see the 1st field and ignored the 2nd.

Anyway, thanks for suggesting looking into the odbc trace log. The log files
attached with this mail created right after the following process:
1) Re-create the database test.
2) In Powerbuilder, delete & then re-configure the ODBC connection profile,
uncheck 'ReadOnly'.
3) Start the trace log (from ODBC Data Source Admin).
4) Connect to the database, and got the error msg "Catalog...." as mentioned
5) Still can connect to the database. At this point if I am to create a new
table, Powerbuilder will show me only the 'char' type. But as far as the log
files are conecerned, I didnt do anything.
6) Disconnect from the database (by connecting to another db, i.e. Sybase).

If you examine the Sql.log, it did call SQLGetTypeInfo(). But the error
occured when exiting SQLSetStmtOption. Could that be the whole problem? Is
that a problem of PostODBC or Powerbuilder? Thanks for any help.


- - -----Original Message-----
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
To: Daniel <daniel@ids.org.my>
Cc: pgsql-interfaces@hub.org <pgsql-interfaces@hub.org>
Date: Monday, March 22, 1999 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?

>Daniel wrote:
>> Last week I got PostgreSQL 6.3.x running with -i switch and then created
>> test database. On Win95 end, postODBC was installed and my PowerBuilder
>> could connect to the database. Then I tried to transfer the data from
>> SQL Anywhere to Postgres via Powerbuilder's pipeline mechanism. In
>> Powerbuilder I did notice that there were some unfamiliar database type
>> Postgres such as INT4 to represent Sybase's INTEGER type and got me
>> excited. However I couldnt create anything in Postgres because I forgot
>> uncheck the "read-only" option when i setup the odbc connection, but
>> different story.
>> After coming back from weekend, I tried to do the transfer of data again,
>> and I did make sure the "read-only" option has been unchecked. But right
>> I encounter a new problem: I found that I could no longer see other data
>> type in Postgres except CHAR. I've tried all the possible setting in odbc
>> connection but it still doesn't help. What seems to be the problem?
>> help.
>I'm not sure why you would only see 'char'.  If the application is using
>odbc function SQLGetTypeInfo() to retrieve the data types, then maybe it is
>looking for data types that support a certain feature.  Maybe this is
>configurable.  I'm not really sure what your application is doing.
>If you want, you could send an odbc trace log of the session so we could at
>least see if it is calling SQLGetTypeInfo() and retrieving the results.
>Otherwise, there is nothing else I can do.

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Content-Disposition: attachment;
conn&282108, SQLDriverConnect( in)DSN info: DSN          readonly          conn_settings
translation_dllconn&282108,SQLDriverConnect(out)Global Options: Version
                extra_systable_prefixesconn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryconn&282108, query    [
fetched0 rows ] 
CONN ERROR: func            ------------------------------------------------------------
            henv'328644, conn&282108, status6
            sock'328660, stmts'328700, lobj_type            ---------------- Socket Info
            socket#, reverserrornumberrrormsg            buffer_in&288400, buffer_out&292500
            buffer_filled_in(, buffer_filled_outuffer_read_in(
CONN ERROR: func            ------------------------------------------------------------
            henv'328644, conn&282108, status6
            sock'328660, stmts'328700, lobj_type            ---------------- Socket Info
            socket#, reverserrornumberrrormsg            buffer_in&288400, buffer_out&292500
            buffer_filled_in(, buffer_filled_outuffer_read_in(
conn&282108, query    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn&282108, query    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryconn&282108, queryERROR from backend during
send_query:'ERROR:  DefineIndex: attribute "pbt_ownr" not found' 
conn&282108, querySTATEMENT ERROR: func                 - ------------------------------------------------------------
                 hdbc&282108, stmt&296600, result
                 statement_typeJtement                 stmt_with_params                 data_at_exec
currTuple                maxRowst_sizeyset_sizeursor_typeroll_concurrency 
                 cursor_name                 ----------------QResult Info - -------------------------------
CONN ERROR: func            ------------------------------------------------------------
            henv'328644, conn&282108, status6
            sock'328660, stmts'328700, lobj_type            ---------------- Socket Info
            socket#, reverserrornumberrrormsg            buffer_in&288400, buffer_out&292500
conn&282108, query    [ fetched 1 rows ]
conn&282108, SQLDisconnect

- - ------
- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 08:08:45 -0000
From: Dave Page <dpage@vale-housing.co.uk>
Subject: RE: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql

(Shameless plug!) Try pgAdmin. It is available at:


pgAdmin has a migration wizard that will copy an mdb or another ODBC
datasource table by table. It will create the table (datatypes are mapable),
copy the data if required and then create the required indexes.



- - --
Dave Page, Network & Systems Manager, The Vale Housing Association Ltd.
http://www.vale-housing.co.uk (Work)
http://www.pgadmin.freeserve.co.uk/ (Home of pgAdmin)
Beer can be a permanent solution - but only if you have enough of it!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org
> [mailto:owner-pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org]On Behalf Of Frederic De
> Leersnijder
> Sent: 24 March 1999 01:03
> To: pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org
> Subject: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql
> I'm looking for a program to convert a microsoft access mdb
> to postgres.
> Thnx.
> Frederic De Leersnijder

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 03:07:19 -0500 (EST)
From: "Brett W. McCoy" <bmccoy@lan2wan.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Frederic De Leersnijder wrote:

> I'm looking for a program to convert a microsoft access mdb to postgres.

pgAdmin will do the job.  It does it through the ODBC interface.  For big
databases, though, I've had better luck dumping tables to text files and
doing a bulk copy back into PostgreSQL.

Brett W. McCoy
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas
River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.

Version: 3.12
GAT dpu s:-- a C++++ UL++++$ P+ L+++ E W++ N+ o K- w--- O@ M@ !V PS+++
PE Y+ PGP- t++ 5- X+ R+@ tv b+++ DI+++ D+ G++ e>++ h+(---) r++ y++++
- - ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 03:08:34 -0500 (EST)
From: "Brett W. McCoy" <bmccoy@lan2wan.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Converting microsoft access to postgresql

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Frederic De Leersnijder wrote:

> I'm looking for a program to convert a microsoft access mdb to postgres.

Oops.  Forgot the URL for pgAdmin: http://www.pgadmin.freeserve.co.uk

Brett W. McCoy
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.
        -- Robert Heinlein

Version: 3.12
GAT dpu s:-- a C++++ UL++++$ P+ L+++ E W++ N+ o K- w--- O@ M@ !V PS+++
PE Y+ PGP- t++ 5- X+ R+@ tv b+++ DI+++ D+ G++ e>++ h+(---) r++ y++++
- - ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

- ------------------------------

Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 22:51:26 -0800
From: "Postgres mailing lists" <postgres@weblynk.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC Query performance

That's what's interesting about this to me. Using psql, piping the results
to a file, it is less than a second, and the CPU time goes to 50% idle. The
file that I piped to ends up about 3.5MB's. Jdbc is about 90 seconds, and 0%
idle. I've put trace statements in, so I'm pretty sure that to return from
the executeQuery(sql); method is about 90 seconds. If you can't reproduce
it, then maybe I could send you the table that I query, or maybe you could
send me a table that you query of similiar size (~1200 rows, 25 columns, no
indexes, most columns are varchar() or float8() ), that it performs well on.

>Hmmm, this is interesting. Does the cpu time match when the same queries
>are run through PSQL?
>Peter T Mount, IT Section
>Anything I write here are my own views, and cannot be taken as the
>official words of Maidstone Borough Council
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Postgres mailing lists [mailto:postgres@weblynk.com]
>Sent: Sunday, March 21, 1999 7:11 PM
>To: pgsql-interfaces@postgreSQL.org
>Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC Query performance
>>At 11:07 +0200 on 18/03/1999, Peter Mount wrote:
>>> The delay is because the driver currently retrieves the entire result
>>> into a Vector() before returning the ResultSet.
>>Couldn't it also be because of Java's usage of network sockets compared
>>psql's use of unix sockets?
>You know, I also noticed that it is the postgres back-end process which
>using all the CPU time during the query. Doesn't sound like Vector
>operations to me, which should cause the java process to eat all the CPU

- ------------------------------

Date: 24 Mar 1999 10:48:42 +0100
From: Eric Marsden <emarsden@mail.dotcom.fr>
Subject: [ANN] pg.el -- Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL

pg.el is a socket-level interface to PostgreSQL for GNU Emacs (text
editor extraordinaire). The module is capable of type coercions from a
range of SQL types to the equivalent Emacs Lisp type. It currently
supports neither crypt or Kerberos authentication, nor large objects,
nor the v6.4 protocol.

The code (version 0.1) is available under GPL from


Please note that this is a programmer's API, and doesn't provide any
form of user interface. Example:

 (defun demo ()
    (let* ((conn (pg:connect "template1" "postgres" "postgres"))
           (res (pg:exec conn "SELECT * from scshdemo WHERE a       (message "status is %s"   (pg:result res 'status))
      (message "metadata is %s" (pg:result res 'attributes))
      (message "data is %s"     (pg:result res 'tuples))
      (pg:disconnect conn)))

- - --
Eric Marsden
emarsden @ mail.dotcom.fr
It's elephants all the way down

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:35:41 -0500
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Invalid BLOB Length

PostgreSQL Server wrote:

> I am using Borland C++ Builder 3.0 with PostgreSQL 6.4.2 and the
> latest ODBC driver from ftp.postgresql.org.
> I created a table users that looks like this:
>         internallength >         externallenght >         input >         output >         send >         receive >
     default >         passedbyvalue); 
> CREATE TABLE users (
>         userid int4,
>         username varchar(255),
>         userimage lo);
> When I try and insert an image, the app returns "Invalid BLOB Length".
> What am I doing Wrong?
> Thanks
>                 Travis

Are there any errors in the driver's commlog ("psqlodbc.log") file?  You
can also check the odbc trace log.  If you can't figure anything out, you
can try sending me the logs and I could take a look.


- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:24:28 -0500
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] why there's only char type?

Daniel wrote:

> If you examine the Sql.log, it did call SQLGetTypeInfo(). But the error
> occured when exiting SQLSetStmtOption. Could that be the whole problem? Is
> that a problem of PostODBC or Powerbuilder? Thanks for any help.
> Daniel

The below excerpt from the log I think reveals the problem.  You are using an older version
of the driver (according to the psqlodbc.log -- Versionsetting the rowset size to anything greater than 1.  You need to
getthe latest driver! 
Go to http://www.insightdist.com/psqlodbc.PB050           fffb7063:fffc2b73 ENTER
SQLGetTypeInfo  HSTMT               0x013a0d44
  SWORD                        0 <SQL_ALL_TYPES>

PB050           fffb7063:fffc2b73 EXIT  SQLGetTypeInfo  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
  HSTMT               0x013a0d44
  SWORD                        0 <SQL_ALL_TYPES>

PB050           fffb7063:fffc2b73 ENTER SQLSetStmtOption
  HSTMT               0x013a0d44
  UWORD                        9 <SQL_ROWSET_SIZE>
  UDWORD                    16

PB050           fffb7063:fffc2b73 EXIT  SQLSetStmtOption  with return code 1
  HSTMT               0x013a0d44
  UWORD                        9 <SQL_ROWSET_SIZE>
  UDWORD                    16

  DIAG [01S02] Requested value changed.;
Driver does not support setting this connect option (16)

, fetch0, socket@96, unknown_sizes
x_varchar_size%4, max_longvarchar_size@94
- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:25:06 +0100
From: Ordini <sferac@bo.nettuno.it>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Problem using Having in a sub-query wit the Count  function.

This is a known bug.

> > We are trying to execute a query that has several sub-queries embedded
> > in it.  Below is a snippet of the sql code.
> >
> > "Select ordnum from ordinace where dept> > (Select ordnum from squareview where square> > ordnum from keywordview
wherekeyword> > Gathering' group by ordnum having count(ordnum)  
> >
> > The two tables in the sub-queries (squareview and keywordview) or
> > views created between two tables.
> > There are roughly about 20000 records in the keywordview view.
> >
> > When we execute the query, failing at the keywordview subquery, saying
> > the aggregate function in the having clause must appear on the right
> > side. (?)  When we take the having clause out, and strictly have the
> > group by, it takes 30secs to 3mins. to return with the valid
> > recordset.
> >
> > The funny thing is, as a stand alone query on it's own, the
> > keywordview query works fine.  It's very quick and has no problem with
> > the having clause.
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone else has either had this problme using
> > aggregate functions with the having clause in a subquery, or could
> > anyone give me any information of successfully executing something
> > similar to this.
> >
> > Any infomation would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Steve
> > steve@ctlno.com

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:54:49 -0500
From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Problem using Having in a sub-query wit the Count function.

Matthew <matt@ctlno.com> writes:
>> "Select ordnum from ordinace where dept>> (Select ordnum from squareview where square>> ordnum from keywordview
wherekeyword>> Gathering' group by ordnum having count(ordnum)  

I wonder whether the parser could be getting confused by the multiple
distinct uses of the same name "ordnum" in this query?  In other words,
maybe you'd have better luck if the inner queries read something like

k.ordnum from keywordview k where k.keywordGathering' group by k.ordnum having count(k.ordnum)

Without that, it might be thinking that count(ordnum) refers to the
ordnum in the outer select.

If that is it, it's probably a bug, but I'm not sure what the standard
says about how to interpret ambiguous names in this context...

            regards, tom lane

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 10:20:44 -0500
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
Subject: [Fwd: [INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC]

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Message-ID: <36F8F7B8.4A396607@insightdist.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:33:28 -0500
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Sam@OConnor.net
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] type error inserting large obj, Win32 ODBC
References: <36F5C26E.49702D13@netspace.net.au> <36F679B8.CF2B577C@insightdist.com> <36F8E290.73F534CF@netspace.net.au>
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Sam O'Connor wrote:

> I have attached the logs.
> Thankyou very much for your help.
> Sam O'Connor

I don't really see the problem.  It seems more like there is something wrong on the postgres side.

create type lo (internallengthNxternallength,input                default
If this is what you typed in to create the "lo" type, then it should work.  Try inserting a row manually into the
table,say something like: 

insert into image ( 1, 2, 'stuff', 5);

If this fails, then maybe there is something weird with the i/o routines (int4in, int4out), in which case, you should
seekmore help from perhaps the "general" 
mailing list.


- - --------------C2CA35DE7AE8AC2B6B8140A9--

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:57:04 -0500
From: Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com>
Subject: Resignation

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that today is my last day at Insight
Distribution Systems.  There will be no one else at Insight taking over
the development and support of the ODBC driver since it was more of a
side project and no one knows anything about it anyway.  Also, in case
anyone didn't know, Dave Hartwig left the company about 3 weeks ago, so
I was solely representing the Postgres faction at Insight.

I would like to continue my role as primary development and support of
the odbc driver to the extent possible.  But since there are a lot of
factors involved, I'm just not sure what that extent might be.  IF I can
keep my account at Insight, I should be able to test out things and
maybe add new functionality/features, if I have the time.

As far as the Insight-Psqlodbc web site goes,  I have talked with some
people and the plan is to keep it alive.  I have asked that I be allowed
to update it as necessary and they seemed agreeable to that.

I also will remain subscribed to the "interfaces" mailing list for as
long as possible (I have unsubscribed to all others).  I should be able
to check the mailing list perhaps once or twice a week.  I will have to
see how it goes with my new job before I know for sure.  But the thing
is, since I do not currently have any internet access at home, I have to
rely on Insight to allow me to keep dialing in and doing that.

I would like to say that I have enjoyed working with everyone and I
really enjoyed contributing to the PostgreSQL project.  I have learned
alot during that time and hope that I have contributed positively.  I
wish everyone the best and I sincerely hope that Postgres continues to
grow at the incredible rate it has been.



- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:50:55 -0500
From: Mark <mlundquist@bvsdps.com>
Subject: MkLinux & ODBC compile error

I have successfully compiled & run PostgreSQL on MkLinux many times.  I
added the  --with-odbc arguement and now I get an error when I compile.

misc.c:100: request for member `overflow_arg_area' in something not a structure
or union
misc.c:111: warning: passing arg 3 of `vfprintf' from incompatible pointer type
misc.c:94: warning: `args' might be used uninitialized in this function
misc.c:100: warning: `__ptr' might be used uninitialized in this function
gmake[2]: *** [misc.o] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [all] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.4.2/src/interfaces'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

Has anyone seen this and can help me (or anyone even reading this)?

MkLinux DR3  (RedHat Linux 5.1)
PostgreSQL 6.4.2

- - -Mark

- - -----------------------------------------------------------------
   Mark Lundquist               Bell Atlantic Video Services
   mlundquist@bvsdps.com        1880 Campus Commons Drive
                                Reston, VA  20191
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 23:03:19 +0100
From: Wybo Dekker <wybo@servalys.hobby.nl>
Subject: pgaccess - can I tab through columns without the mouse?


Normally one can jump from column to column using the tab key, but in
pgaccess this does not seem to work. Is there another way?

- - --
Hartelijke groet, Wybo Dekker
___________________Servalys Analytical Chemistry Services__________________
wybo@servalys.hobby.nl | Deilsedijk 60                 | tel +31-345-652164
www.hobby.nl/~servalys | 4158 CH Deil, The Netherlands | fax +31-345-652383

- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:56:15 -0300
From: Sergio <ser@perio.unlp.edu.ar>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Resignation

Byron Nikolaidis <byronn@insightdist.com> el d°a Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:57:04
- - -0500, escribi<:

>Hi everyone,
>I just wanted to let everyone know that today is my last day at Insight
>Distribution Systems.  There will be no one else at Insight taking over
>the development and support of the ODBC driver since it was more of a
>side project and no one knows anything about it anyway.  Also, in case
>anyone didn't know, Dave Hartwig left the company about 3 weeks ago, so
>I was solely representing the Postgres faction at Insight.
>I would like to continue my role as primary development and support of
>the odbc driver to the extent possible.  But since there are a lot of
>factors involved, I'm just not sure what that extent might be.  IF I can
>keep my account at Insight, I should be able to test out things and
>maybe add new functionality/features, if I have the time.
>As far as the Insight-Psqlodbc web site goes,  I have talked with some
>people and the plan is to keep it alive.  I have asked that I be allowed
>to update it as necessary and they seemed agreeable to that.
>I also will remain subscribed to the "interfaces" mailing list for as
>long as possible (I have unsubscribed to all others).  I should be able
>to check the mailing list perhaps once or twice a week.  I will have to
>see how it goes with my new job before I know for sure.  But the thing
>is, since I do not currently have any internet access at home, I have to
>rely on Insight to allow me to keep dialing in and doing that.
>I would like to say that I have enjoyed working with everyone and I
>really enjoyed contributing to the PostgreSQL project.  I have learned
>alot during that time and hope that I have contributed positively.  I
>wish everyone the best and I sincerely hope that Postgres continues to
>grow at the incredible rate it has been.

Oh, my... this make my sad day...
The only thing I can do is to offer a web site (in the form of
http://perio.unlp.edu.ar/psqlodbc) that you don't have
to maintain (I will do that with whatever changes you request), but
my permanent connection to Internet is a little slow (28.8).

But, /please/, keep us informed about your movements.


- ------------------------------

Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 14:03:59 -0800
From: Matthew Hixson <hixson@frozenwave.com>
Subject: radius+PAM+PostgreSQL

  I was wondering if anyone out there was using the Cistron radius server with
PAM support who is doing the authentication against a PostgreSQL database.
That is the setup I would like to use.  However, I'm unsure of how everything
fits together.
  Could someone provide me with an overview of their system, or if someone with
more of a clue than I have could explain to me how I would piece these things
together (via config files and necessary modules) I would be forever grateful.
  Thanks in advance,
- - --
Matthew Hixson - CIO
FroZenWave Communications

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Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 15:16:05 -0800
From: "Ken J. Wright" <ken@ori-ind.com>
Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] Resignation


I, along with many others I'm sure, have come to depend greatly on your
work with the odbc driver. Your work has made PostgreSQL a viable solution
where win clients are required. Thank you and good luck with your new work!
Also, if I (or anyone else) can be of any assistance in keeping you active
here, please pipe up ;-)



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Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 02:55:51 +0100
From: "Frederic De Leersnijder" <frederic.de.leersnijder@pandora.be>
Subject: PgAdmin

I'm having trouble starting PgAdmin.

I'll describe what I have done so far.

1) pgAdmin requires the PostODBC driver which is available here. You must
set check the 'Show Column' and 'Fake Index' options under 'OID Options' for
pgAdmin to work

I have installed the PostODBC driver. I haven't set show column and fake
index because I can't find the OID options.

 2) As of v6.3.208, pgAdmin also requires Microsoft's MDAC 2.0 package (the
Redistribution Typical Setup version). This decreases the size of the
pgAdmin download significantly, and helps to eliminate ODBC version conflict

Done this.

3) Installing Pgadmin.

4) Opening the ODBC 32 panel in the control panel (I'm using 98)
Tab --> user dns -> MS Access driver -> configure --> database select --> In
my case h:\mediatheek.mdb

5) Starting Pgadmin

6) The logon dialog box is in front of me
datasource --> Microsoft Access 97 database.
Username:                     (none)
Pass:                    (nonea

7) The program freezes. This happens in 98 and in NT 4.0

Does someone recognize this problem?

Thnx. for the advice that will soon be on it's way (hopefully   :o))    )

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