Обсуждение: Quotes in input


Quotes in input

"Justin R. Smith"
I use pgaccess to update a database of text blocks, some of which contain
single quotes. Sometimes I have to write them as \' and sometimes as '

Could there be a bug somewhere causing quotes to be automatically escaped
in some cases but not others?

Time blows wildly against my door       | Justin R. Smith
Stirring discarded sorrows          | Department of Mathematics and
Like dead leaves of summers past        |     Computer Science
Memories of forgotten lore              | Drexel University
Making way for new tomorrows             | Philadelphia, PA 19104
New hopes, new fears,                   |
         and new ways that last         | Office: (215) 895-1847
c Justin R. Smith, March 14, 1994       | Fax:    (215) 895-1582

My home page: http://www.mcs.drexel.edu/~jsmith