Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC throws with error code 0


Re: [INTERFACES] JDBC throws with error code 0

Glenn Holmer
Peter Mount wrote:

>>   loading JDBC class "postgresql.Driver"...
>>   connecting to jdbc:postgresql://miranda:5432/factory...
>>   executeQuery...
>>   Unknown Response Type:
>>   return code is: 0
>> This is making me very confused.  Why does it throw if the
>> return code is 0?  Can anybody shed some light on this?
>This return code is part of the network protocol. It's throwing because
>the driver wasn't expecting a packet of type '0'.
>Are you using the driver from 6.3, or a later one?

Thanks for responding, Peter.  Using 6.3.  I think I have something:
it runs under Windows (JDK 1.1.7B) and Linux (Blackdown 1.1.7),
but not under OS/2 (IBM JDK 1.1.7).  I applied IBM's latest patches
from about a week ago but still get this.  I did do a TCP/IP dump
while this was happening, if anyone would like to see it.

I will be running this under Linux, so it's not a showstopper,
but enquiring minds do want to know...

Glenn Holmer                          gholmer@weycogroup.com
Programmer/Analyst                       phone: 414.263.8827
Weyco Group, Inc.                          fax: 414.263.8808