Обсуждение: occassional postmaster DELETE wait timeout on ODBC


occassional postmaster DELETE wait timeout on ODBC

Marcus Mascari
I have downloaded and installed the snapshot of
6.4 beta (Sep. 22, 1998) and am experiencing some
difficulties with several items:

1. Occassionally, using Access 97 and the new 6.4
   compatible ODBC driver, 6.30.0250, I will attempt
   to update or delete a row in a datasheet view and
   it appears that there is a deadlock between the
   postmaster which 'ps' displays as:

   ...postmaster DELETE wait myuser

   and Access 97 which appears to be waiting for a
   response from the database.  I tried logging the
   error by tracing the ODBC calls, but since it is
   intermittent, I was unable to track down the

   I have enabled the Use Declare/Fetch setting (I
   believe this is the new default), and enabled
   both the OID options - Show OID, Fake Indexes.

2. We have a medium sized table called "sales" with
   137,000 rows in it.  The following query will
   consume all RAM on the machine until swap space is

   SELECT DISTINCT target, costcntr FROM sales ORDER
   BY saledate

   The table looks like this:

supplysource varchar() not null 16
supply       varchar() not null 16
supplyunit   varchar() not null 2
quantity     float8    not null 8
target       varchar() not null 16
costcntr     varchar() not null 8
saletype     varchar() not null 16
saledate     datetime  not null 8

Indices:  k_sales

My configuration is as follows:

Linux i686 2.0.35
PostgreSQL 6.4 beta
2 Gig IDE Hard Drive
96M Swap

As the query runs, the postmaster process simply
consumes up a RAM, and then consumed 70M of swap
space before I killed it to prevent it from
taking down the machine.

3.  Also why does the backend correctly use the index
    on the sales table in the following example:

    explain select * from sales where target IN
    ('4 EAST','2 PACU');

Index Scan using k_sales_target on sales
(cost=4.10 size=1 width=88)

    And not use the index at all on the sales table
    in the following query:

    explain select * from sales where target IN
    (select location from locations);

Seq Scan on sales  (cost=5738.60 size=116806 width=88)
    ->  Seq Scan on locations  (cost=7.49 size=136

    But, if this is rewritten as a join, it works:

    explain select sales.* from sales, locations where
    sales.target = locations.target;

Nested Loop  (cost=286.29 size=116807 width=100)
  ->  Seq Scan on locations  (cost=7.49 size=136
  ->  Index Scan using k_sales_target on sales        (cost=2.05
size=116806 width=88)

4.  Finally, a SQL question - NULL values for datetime
    fields appear first when sorting in an ASCending
    order in an ORDER BY clause.  Is there a way to
    have NULL values be the last records without
    resorting to a union of two selects?

Thanks for any help on an otherwise great product,

Marcus Mascari

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