Обсуждение: Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC driver for Applixware and Unix


Re: [INTERFACES] ODBC driver for Applixware and Unix

Hi Tom,

> The next release of Applixware for Linux will have database support (not
> guaranteed I suppose, but it is in the beta). At the moment, the release
> will have an ODBC driver for MySQL. Applix is willing to try to ship an
> ODBC interface for PostgreSQL. What would it take to do it? I suspect we
> would need to get things together fairly quickly to have a shot at
> getting into the release.
> This is a native Unix-hosted ODBC interface, not the WIN32 driver,
> though I don't know what would be different about the source code. I
> also am not certain if we would be allowed to hack the MySQL driver
> (don't know the copyright situation on it).
> Speak up if you are interested in helping, have information which could
> help get us going, or can suggest someone else who might be a resource.
> I have a few more details on the MySQL ODBC driver at my office if that
> would be helpful.

    Maybe you should get in contact with Sergey E. Levov (serg@informika.ru).

    I have successfully downloaded and installed his unix pgodbc interface
Have a look at http://users.ids.net/~bjepson/freeODBC
and ftp://ftp.informika.ru/pub/unix/db/postgres.


       _/                            _/_/   /  Leif Jensen (leif@danmos.dk)
      _/                _/         _/      /
     _/        _/_/             _/_/_/    /
    _/       _/   _/   _/        _/      / Linux 2.0.33, gcc 2.7.2, wxWin 1.66F
   _/       _/ _/_/   _/        _/      /
  _/       _/        _/   _/   _/      /
 _/_/_/_/   _/_/      _/_/    _/      /         (and Windows 95 :-(