Обсуждение: strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?


strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?

Pavel Stehule

When I tested some queries, I found strange plan

postgres=# explain analyze select s.nazev, o.nazev, o.pocet_obyvatel from (select nazev, array(select id from obce_pocet_obyvatel where okresy.id = okres_id order by pocet_obyvatel desc limit 3) as obceids from okresy) s join obce_pocet_obyvatel o on o.id = ANY(obceids) order by 1, 3 desc;
│                                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                                            │
│ Sort  (cost=840.37..842.29 rows=769 width=24) (actual time=5.518..5.554 rows=227 loops=1)                                                                       │
│   Sort Key: okresy.nazev, ((obce.pocet_muzu + obce.pocet_zen)) DESC                                                                                             │
│   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 44kB                                                                                                                          │
│   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=4.09..803.51 rows=769 width=24) (actual time=0.132..4.735 rows=227 loops=1)                                                            │
│         ->  Seq Scan on okresy  (cost=0.00..1.77 rows=77 width=17) (actual time=0.020..0.071 rows=77 loops=1)                                                   │
│         ->  Index Scan using _obce_pkey on obce  (cost=4.09..10.29 rows=10 width=22) (actual time=0.007..0.018 rows=3 loops=77)                                 │
│               Index Cond: (id = ANY ((SubPlan 1)))                                                                                                              │
│               SubPlan 1                                                                                                                                         │
│                 ->  Limit  (cost=0.28..3.81 rows=3 width=8) (actual time=0.025..0.029 rows=3 loops=77)                                                          │
│                       ->  Index Scan using obce_okres_id_expr_idx on obce obce_1  (cost=0.28..95.43 rows=81 width=8) (actual time=0.024..0.027 rows=3 loops=77) │
│                             Index Cond: (okresy.id = (okres_id)::text)                                                                                          │
│               SubPlan 1                                                                                                                                         │
│                 ->  Limit  (cost=0.28..3.81 rows=3 width=8) (actual time=0.025..0.029 rows=3 loops=77)                                                          │
│                       ->  Index Scan using obce_okres_id_expr_idx on obce obce_1  (cost=0.28..95.43 rows=81 width=8) (actual time=0.024..0.027 rows=3 loops=77) │
│                             Index Cond: (okresy.id = (okres_id)::text)                                                                                          │
│ Planning time: 0.815 ms                                                                                                                                         │
│ Execution time: 5.693 ms                                                                                                                                        │
(17 rows)

test case is attached

tested on upstream.



Re: strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?

Robert Haas
On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> When I tested some queries, I found strange plan
> postgres=# explain analyze select s.nazev, o.nazev, o.pocet_obyvatel from
> (select nazev, array(select id from obce_pocet_obyvatel where okresy.id =
> okres_id order by pocet_obyvatel desc limit 3) as obceids from okresy) s
> join obce_pocet_obyvatel o on o.id = ANY(obceids) order by 1, 3 desc;

The EXPLAIN plan you posted certainly looks weird, since I wouldn't
expect SubPlan 1 to be displayed twice, but I'm wondering if it's a
display artifact rather than an actual defect in the plan.

Just out of curiosity, what does the output look like with FORMAT JSON
or similar?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?

Pavel Stehule

2016-07-07 21:57 GMT+02:00 Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>:
On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> When I tested some queries, I found strange plan
> postgres=# explain analyze select s.nazev, o.nazev, o.pocet_obyvatel from
> (select nazev, array(select id from obce_pocet_obyvatel where okresy.id =
> okres_id order by pocet_obyvatel desc limit 3) as obceids from okresy) s
> join obce_pocet_obyvatel o on o.id = ANY(obceids) order by 1, 3 desc;

The EXPLAIN plan you posted certainly looks weird, since I wouldn't
expect SubPlan 1 to be displayed twice, but I'm wondering if it's a
display artifact rather than an actual defect in the plan.

Just out of curiosity, what does the output look like with FORMAT JSON
or similar?

The test case was wrong, the view "" is necessary

create view obce_pocet_obyvatel as select id, okres_id, nazev, pocet_muzu + pocet_zen as pocet_obyvatel from obce;

But the result is same (explain is ok, explain analyze is broken):

│                                      QUERY PLAN                                      │
│ [                                                                                   ↵│
│   {                                                                                 ↵│
│     "Plan": {                                                                       ↵│
│       "Node Type": "Sort",                                                          ↵│
│       "Startup Cost": 1599.86,                                                      ↵│
│       "Total Cost": 1601.79,                                                        ↵│
│       "Plan Rows": 769,                                                             ↵│
│       "Plan Width": 24,                                                             ↵│
│       "Actual Startup Time": 9.525,                                                 ↵│
│       "Actual Total Time": 9.547,                                                   ↵│
│       "Actual Rows": 227,                                                           ↵│
│       "Actual Loops": 1,                                                            ↵│
│       "Sort Key": ["okresy.nazev", "((obce.pocet_muzu + obce.pocet_zen)) DESC"],    ↵│
│       "Sort Method": "quicksort",                                                   ↵│
│       "Sort Space Used": 44,                                                        ↵│
│       "Sort Space Type": "Memory",                                                  ↵│
│       "Plans": [                                                                    ↵│
│         {                                                                           ↵│
│           "Node Type": "Nested Loop",                                               ↵│
│           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                                           ↵│
│           "Join Type": "Inner",                                                     ↵│
│           "Startup Cost": 13.95,                                                    ↵│
│           "Total Cost": 1563.00,                                                    ↵│
│           "Plan Rows": 769,                                                         ↵│
│           "Plan Width": 24,                                                         ↵│
│           "Actual Startup Time": 0.212,                                             ↵│
│           "Actual Total Time": 8.991,                                               ↵│
│           "Actual Rows": 227,                                                       ↵│
│           "Actual Loops": 1,                                                        ↵│
│           "Plans": [                                                                ↵│
│             {                                                                       ↵│
│               "Node Type": "Seq Scan",                                              ↵│
│               "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                                       ↵│
│               "Relation Name": "okresy",                                            ↵│
│               "Alias": "okresy",                                                    ↵│
│               "Startup Cost": 0.00,                                                 ↵│
│               "Total Cost": 1.77,                                                   ↵│
│               "Plan Rows": 77,                                                      ↵│
│               "Plan Width": 17,                                                     ↵│
│               "Actual Startup Time": 0.016,                                         ↵│
│               "Actual Total Time": 0.042,                                           ↵│
│               "Actual Rows": 77,                                                    ↵│
│               "Actual Loops": 1                                                     ↵│
│             },                                                                      ↵│
│             {                                                                       ↵│
│               "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                            ↵│
│               "Parent Relationship": "Inner",                                       ↵│
│               "Scan Direction": "Forward",                                          ↵│
│               "Index Name": "_obce_pkey",                                           ↵│
│               "Relation Name": "obce",                                              ↵│
│               "Alias": "obce",                                                      ↵│
│               "Startup Cost": 13.95,                                                ↵│
│               "Total Cost": 20.15,                                                  ↵│
│               "Plan Rows": 10,                                                      ↵│
│               "Plan Width": 22,                                                     ↵│
│               "Actual Startup Time": 0.005,                                         ↵│
│               "Actual Total Time": 0.012,                                           ↵│
│               "Actual Rows": 3,                                                     ↵│
│               "Actual Loops": 77,                                                   ↵│
│               "Index Cond": "(id = ANY ((SubPlan 1)))",                             ↵│
│               "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,                                   ↵│
│               "Plans": [                                                            ↵│
│                 {                                                                   ↵│
│                   "Node Type": "Limit",                                             ↵│
│                   "Parent Relationship": "SubPlan",                                 ↵│
│                   "Subplan Name": "SubPlan 1",                                      ↵│
│                   "Startup Cost": 13.66,                                            ↵│
│                   "Total Cost": 13.67,                                              ↵│
│                   "Plan Rows": 3,                                                   ↵│
│                   "Plan Width": 8,                                                  ↵│
│                   "Actual Startup Time": 0.094,                                     ↵│
│                   "Actual Total Time": 0.095,                                       ↵│
│                   "Actual Rows": 3,                                                 ↵│
│                   "Actual Loops": 77,                                               ↵│
│                   "Plans": [                                                        ↵│
│                     {                                                               ↵│
│                       "Node Type": "Sort",                                          ↵│
│                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                               ↵│
│                       "Startup Cost": 13.66,                                        ↵│
│                       "Total Cost": 13.86,                                          ↵│
│                       "Plan Rows": 81,                                              ↵│
│                       "Plan Width": 8,                                              ↵│
│                       "Actual Startup Time": 0.092,                                 ↵│
│                       "Actual Total Time": 0.093,                                   ↵│
│                       "Actual Rows": 3,                                             ↵│
│                       "Actual Loops": 77,                                           ↵│
│                       "Sort Key": ["((obce_1.pocet_muzu + obce_1.pocet_zen)) DESC"],↵│
│                       "Sort Method": "quicksort",                                   ↵│
│                       "Sort Space Used": 25,                                        ↵│
│                       "Sort Space Type": "Memory",                                  ↵│
│                       "Plans": [                                                    ↵│
│                         {                                                           ↵│
│                           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                ↵│
│                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                           ↵│
│                           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                              ↵│
│                           "Index Name": "obce_okres_id_idx",                        ↵│
│                           "Relation Name": "obce",                                  ↵│
│                           "Alias": "obce_1",                                        ↵│
│                           "Startup Cost": 0.28,                                     ↵│
│                           "Total Cost": 12.62,                                      ↵│
│                           "Plan Rows": 81,                                          ↵│
│                           "Plan Width": 8,                                          ↵│
│                           "Actual Startup Time": 0.015,                             ↵│
│                           "Actual Total Time": 0.065,                               ↵│
│                           "Actual Rows": 81,                                        ↵│
│                           "Actual Loops": 77,                                       ↵│
│                           "Index Cond": "(okresy.id = (okres_id)::text)",           ↵│
│                           "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0                        ↵│
│                         }                                                           ↵│
│                       ]                                                             ↵│
│                     }                                                               ↵│
│                   ]                                                                 ↵│
│                 },                                                                  ↵│
│                 {                                                                   ↵│
│                   "Node Type": "Limit",                                             ↵│
│                   "Parent Relationship": "SubPlan",                                 ↵│
│                   "Subplan Name": "SubPlan 1",                                      ↵│
│                   "Startup Cost": 13.66,                                            ↵│
│                   "Total Cost": 13.67,                                              ↵│
│                   "Plan Rows": 3,                                                   ↵│
│                   "Plan Width": 8,                                                  ↵│
│                   "Actual Startup Time": 0.094,                                     ↵│
│                   "Actual Total Time": 0.095,                                       ↵│
│                   "Actual Rows": 3,                                                 ↵│
│                   "Actual Loops": 77,                                               ↵│
│                   "Plans": [                                                        ↵│
│                     {                                                               ↵│
│                       "Node Type": "Sort",                                          ↵│
│                       "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                               ↵│
│                       "Startup Cost": 13.66,                                        ↵│
│                       "Total Cost": 13.86,                                          ↵│
│                       "Plan Rows": 81,                                              ↵│
│                       "Plan Width": 8,                                              ↵│
│                       "Actual Startup Time": 0.092,                                 ↵│
│                       "Actual Total Time": 0.093,                                   ↵│
│                       "Actual Rows": 3,                                             ↵│
│                       "Actual Loops": 77,                                           ↵│
│                       "Sort Key": ["((obce_1.pocet_muzu + obce_1.pocet_zen)) DESC"],↵│
│                       "Sort Method": "quicksort",                                   ↵│
│                       "Sort Space Used": 25,                                        ↵│
│                       "Sort Space Type": "Memory",                                  ↵│
│                       "Plans": [                                                    ↵│
│                         {                                                           ↵│
│                           "Node Type": "Index Scan",                                ↵│
│                           "Parent Relationship": "Outer",                           ↵│
│                           "Scan Direction": "Forward",                              ↵│
│                           "Index Name": "obce_okres_id_idx",                        ↵│
│                           "Relation Name": "obce",                                  ↵│
│                           "Alias": "obce_1",                                        ↵│
│                           "Startup Cost": 0.28,                                     ↵│
│                           "Total Cost": 12.62,                                      ↵│
│                           "Plan Rows": 81,                                          ↵│
│                           "Plan Width": 8,                                          ↵│
│                           "Actual Startup Time": 0.015,                             ↵│
│                           "Actual Total Time": 0.065,                               ↵│
│                           "Actual Rows": 81,                                        ↵│
│                           "Actual Loops": 77,                                       ↵│
│                           "Index Cond": "(okresy.id = (okres_id)::text)",           ↵│
│                           "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0                        ↵│
│                         }                                                           ↵│
│                       ]                                                             ↵│
│                     }                                                               ↵│
│                   ]                                                                 ↵│
│                 }                                                                   ↵│
│               ]                                                                     ↵│
│             }                                                                       ↵│
│           ]                                                                         ↵│
│         }                                                                           ↵│
│       ]                                                                             ↵│
│     },                                                                              ↵│
│     "Planning Time": 0.496,                                                         ↵│
│     "Triggers": [                                                                   ↵│
│     ],                                                                              ↵│
│     "Execution Time": 9.634                                                         ↵│
│   }                                                                                 ↵│
│ ]                                                                                    │
(1 row)

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-07-07 21:57 GMT+02:00 Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com>:
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > When I tested some queries, I found strange plan
>> >
>> > postgres=# explain analyze select s.nazev, o.nazev, o.pocet_obyvatel
>> > from
>> > (select nazev, array(select id from obce_pocet_obyvatel where okresy.id
>> > =
>> > okres_id order by pocet_obyvatel desc limit 3) as obceids from okresy) s
>> > join obce_pocet_obyvatel o on o.id = ANY(obceids) order by 1, 3 desc;
>> The EXPLAIN plan you posted certainly looks weird, since I wouldn't
>> expect SubPlan 1 to be displayed twice, but I'm wondering if it's a
>> display artifact rather than an actual defect in the plan.
>> Just out of curiosity, what does the output look like with FORMAT JSON
>> or similar?
> The test case was wrong, the view "" is necessary
> create view obce_pocet_obyvatel as select id, okres_id, nazev, pocet_muzu +
> pocet_zen as pocet_obyvatel from obce;
> But the result is same (explain is ok, explain analyze is broken):

Hmm, so it looks like the subplan is somehow getting into it's parents
subPlan list twice.  I guess ExecInitExpr must reach that subplan
twice via two different paths, but I'm not quite sure how that's

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: strange explain in upstream - subplan 1 twice - is it bug?

Tom Lane
Robert Haas <robertmhaas@gmail.com> writes:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 7:29 AM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When I tested some queries, I found strange plan
>> postgres=# explain analyze select s.nazev, o.nazev, o.pocet_obyvatel from
>> (select nazev, array(select id from obce_pocet_obyvatel where okresy.id =
>> okres_id order by pocet_obyvatel desc limit 3) as obceids from okresy) s
>> join obce_pocet_obyvatel o on o.id = ANY(obceids) order by 1, 3 desc;

> The EXPLAIN plan you posted certainly looks weird, since I wouldn't
> expect SubPlan 1 to be displayed twice, but I'm wondering if it's a
> display artifact rather than an actual defect in the plan.

It is an artifact.  The reason is that the same SubPlan appears in both
indexqual and indexqualorig of the IndexScan node.  (I'm not sure it's
physically the same SubPlan node both places, and indeed that might vary
depending on whether the plan tree had gotten copied; but they've got the
same plan_id and thus refer to the same sub-plan within the PlannedStmt's
subplans list.)  We run ExecInitExpr on both, so we end up with two
SubPlanState nodes that are both linked into the IndexScanState's subPlan
list, and that's what explain.c prints from.  They're pointing at the same
subplan state tree, which is why you always see identical stats.

The reason you don't see two copies without ANALYZE is that in
EXPLAIN_ONLY mode, ExecInitIndexScan quits before doing
ExecIndexBuildScanKeys, so the indexqual copy isn't ExecInitExpr'd.

A crude way to improve this would be to have ExplainSubPlans check for
duplicate plan_id values and not print the same plan_id more than once.
I think we might have to do that globally across the whole plan tree,
not just per invocation of ExplainSubPlans, because in bitmap scan
cases the "indexqualorig" equivalent is in the parent BitmapHeapScan
node while the "indexqual" equivalent is in the child BitmapIndexScan.
So the duplicate subplans might not be in the same plan node's subPlan
        regards, tom lane