Обсуждение: hash agg is slower on wide tables?


hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Pavel Stehule

I did some benchmarks and I found some strange numbers.

do $$
  drop table if exists t1;
  execute 'create table t1(' ||
     array_to_string(array(select 'a' || i || ' smallint' from generate_series(1,30) g(i)), ',') || ')';
  -- special column a2, a11
  insert into t1
    select 2008, i % 12 + 1, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20,
           case when random() < 0.9 then 1 else 0 end, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20,
           random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20
      from generate_series(1,7009728) g(i);
  drop table if exists t2;
  create table t2 as select a2, a11 from t1;
  analyze t1; analyze t2;

postgres=# \dt+ t*
                  List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner |  Size  | Description
 public | t1   | table | pavel | 622 MB |
 public | t2   | table | pavel | 242 MB |
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                        
 Sort  (cost=202327.03..202327.09 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2609.159..2609.161 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=202326.24..202326.48 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2609.137..2609.139 rows=24 loops=1) --- grouping 1997 ms
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..149753.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.071..616.222 rows=7009728 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.138 ms
 Execution time: 2609.247 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t2 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                        
 Sort  (cost=153688.03..153688.09 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2100.058..2100.059 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=153687.24..153687.48 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2100.037..2100.040 rows=24 loops=1) --- grouping 1567 ms -- 25% faster
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..101114.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.043..532.680 rows=7009728 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.178 ms
 Execution time: 2100.158 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# \dt+ t*
                   List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner |  Size   | Description
 public | t1   | table | pavel | 6225 MB |
 public | t2   | table | pavel | 2423 MB |
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                           
 Sort  (cost=2023263.19..2023263.25 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=99453.272..99453.274 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2023262.40..2023262.64 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=99453.244..99453.249 rows=24 loops=1) --- 31891 ms
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1497532.80 rows=70097280 width=4) (actual time=16.935..67562.615 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 14.526 ms
 Execution time: 99453.413 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t2 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                          
 Sort  (cost=1536868.33..1536868.39 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=20656.397..20656.399 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1536867.54..1536867.78 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=20656.375..20656.378 rows=24 loops=1) --- 15248 ms --100% faster
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..1011137.88 rows=70097288 width=4) (actual time=0.060..5408.205 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.161 ms
 Execution time: 20656.475 ms
(8 rows)

It looks like hah agg is slower when it is based on wide table about 25-100%. Is it - or I don't see something?



Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Pavel Stehule

2015-02-22 9:28 GMT+01:00 Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>:

I did some benchmarks and I found some strange numbers.

do $$
  drop table if exists t1;
  execute 'create table t1(' ||
     array_to_string(array(select 'a' || i || ' smallint' from generate_series(1,30) g(i)), ',') || ')';
  -- special column a2, a11
  insert into t1
    select 2008, i % 12 + 1, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20,
           case when random() < 0.9 then 1 else 0 end, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20,
           random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20, random()*20
      from generate_series(1,7009728) g(i);
  drop table if exists t2;
  create table t2 as select a2, a11 from t1;
  analyze t1; analyze t2;

postgres=# \dt+ t*
                  List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner |  Size  | Description
 public | t1   | table | pavel | 622 MB |
 public | t2   | table | pavel | 242 MB |
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                        
 Sort  (cost=202327.03..202327.09 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2609.159..2609.161 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=202326.24..202326.48 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2609.137..2609.139 rows=24 loops=1) --- grouping 1997 ms
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..149753.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.071..616.222 rows=7009728 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.138 ms
 Execution time: 2609.247 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t2 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                        
 Sort  (cost=153688.03..153688.09 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2100.058..2100.059 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=153687.24..153687.48 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2100.037..2100.040 rows=24 loops=1) --- grouping 1567 ms -- 25% faster
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..101114.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.043..532.680 rows=7009728 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.178 ms
 Execution time: 2100.158 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# \dt+ t*
                   List of relations
 Schema | Name | Type  | Owner |  Size   | Description
 public | t1   | table | pavel | 6225 MB |
 public | t2   | table | pavel | 2423 MB |
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                           
 Sort  (cost=2023263.19..2023263.25 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=99453.272..99453.274 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2023262.40..2023262.64 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=99453.244..99453.249 rows=24 loops=1) --- 31891 ms
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1497532.80 rows=70097280 width=4) (actual time=16.935..67562.615 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 14.526 ms
 Execution time: 99453.413 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a2, a11 from t2 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                          
 Sort  (cost=1536868.33..1536868.39 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=20656.397..20656.399 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a11, a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1536867.54..1536867.78 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=20656.375..20656.378 rows=24 loops=1) --- 15248 ms --100% faster
         Group Key: a11, a2
         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..1011137.88 rows=70097288 width=4) (actual time=0.060..5408.205 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.161 ms
 Execution time: 20656.475 ms
(8 rows)

It looks like hah agg is slower when it is based on wide table about 25-100%. Is it - or I don't see something?

next query?

why we read all columns from t1?

postgres=# explain analyze verbose select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                                            QUERY PLAN                                                                            
 Sort  (cost=202327.03..202327.09 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2585.274..2585.275 rows=24 loops=1)
   Output: (count(*)), a2, a11
   Sort Key: t1.a11, t1.a2
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=202326.24..202326.48 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=2585.250..2585.256 rows=24 loops=1)
         Output: count(*), a2, a11
         Group Key: t1.a11, t1.a2
         ->  Seq Scan on public.t1  (cost=0.00..149753.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.018..608.238 rows=7009728 loops=1)
               Output: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22, a23, a24, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29, a30
 Planning time: 0.128 ms
 Execution time: 2585.405 ms
(11 rows)

when I disable hash agg, then only a11 and a2 columns are processed

postgres=# set enable_hashagg to off;
Time: 0.469 ms
postgres=# explain analyze verbose select count(*), a2, a11 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                            QUERY PLAN                                                            
 GroupAggregate  (cost=946791.84..1016889.36 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=3136.565..4883.198 rows=24 loops=1)
   Output: count(*), a2, a11
   Group Key: t1.a11, t1.a2
   ->  Sort  (cost=946791.84..964316.16 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=3120.988..3991.546 rows=7009728 loops=1)
         Output: a2, a11
         Sort Key: t1.a11, t1.a2
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 525190kB
         ->  Seq Scan on public.t1  (cost=0.00..149753.28 rows=7009728 width=4) (actual time=0.021..1183.852 rows=7009728 loops=1)
               Output: a2, a11
 Planning time: 0.119 ms
 Execution time: 4932.804 ms
(11 rows)

so it looks so hashagg doesn't eliminate source columns well





Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Andrew Gierth
>>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com> writes:
Pavel> why we read all columns from t1?[...]Pavel> so it looks so hashagg doesn't eliminate source columns well

I don't think it's supposed to eliminate them.

This is, if I'm understanding the planner logic right, physical-tlist
optimization; it's faster for a table scan to simply return the whole
row (copying nothing, just pointing to the on-disk tuple) and let
hashagg pick out the columns it needs, rather than for the scan to run a
projection step just to select specific columns.

If there's a Sort step, this isn't done because Sort neither evaluates
its input nor projects new tuples on its output, it simply accepts the
tuples it receives and returns them with the same structure. So now it's
important to have the node providing input to the Sort projecting out
only the minimum required set of columns.

Why it's slower on the wider table... that's less obvious.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Andres Freund
On 2015-02-22 10:33:16 +0000, Andrew Gierth wrote:
> This is, if I'm understanding the planner logic right, physical-tlist
> optimization; it's faster for a table scan to simply return the whole
> row (copying nothing, just pointing to the on-disk tuple) and let
> hashagg pick out the columns it needs, rather than for the scan to run a
> projection step just to select specific columns.
> If there's a Sort step, this isn't done because Sort neither evaluates
> its input nor projects new tuples on its output, it simply accepts the
> tuples it receives and returns them with the same structure. So now it's
> important to have the node providing input to the Sort projecting out
> only the minimum required set of columns.
> Why it's slower on the wider table... that's less obvious.

It's likely to just be tuple deforming. I've not tried it but I'd bet
you'll see slot_deform* very high in the profile. For the narrow table
only two attributes need to be extracted, for the wider one everything
up to a11 will get extracted.

I've wondered before if we shouldn't use the caching via
slot->tts_values so freely - if you only use a couple values from a wide
tuple the current implementation really sucks if those few aren't at the
beginning of the tuple.


Andres Freund

-- Andres Freund                       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &

Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Tom Lane
Andres Freund <andres@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
> I've wondered before if we shouldn't use the caching via
> slot->tts_values so freely - if you only use a couple values from a wide
> tuple the current implementation really sucks if those few aren't at the
> beginning of the tuple.

Don't see how you expect to get a win that way.  Visiting column k
requires crawling over columns 1..k-1 in practically all cases.
You could maybe save a cycle or so by omitting the physical store
into the Datum array, assuming that you never did need the column
value later ... but the extra bookkeeping for more complicated
tracking of which columns had been extracted would eat that savings
        regards, tom lane

Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Andres Freund
On 2015-02-22 09:58:31 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Andres Freund <andres@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
> > I've wondered before if we shouldn't use the caching via
> > slot->tts_values so freely - if you only use a couple values from a wide
> > tuple the current implementation really sucks if those few aren't at the
> > beginning of the tuple.
> Don't see how you expect to get a win that way.  Visiting column k
> requires crawling over columns 1..k-1 in practically all cases.
> You could maybe save a cycle or so by omitting the physical store
> into the Datum array, assuming that you never did need the column
> value later ... but the extra bookkeeping for more complicated
> tracking of which columns had been extracted would eat that savings
> handily.

Depends a bit on the specifics. In this case attcacheoff would allow you
direct access, which surely is going to be more efficient. I'm not sure
how frequent that happens in practice.


Andres Freund

-- Andres Freund                       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &

Re: hash agg is slower on wide tables?

Pavel Stehule

2015-02-22 13:22 GMT+01:00 Andres Freund <andres@2ndquadrant.com>:
On 2015-02-22 10:33:16 +0000, Andrew Gierth wrote:
> This is, if I'm understanding the planner logic right, physical-tlist
> optimization; it's faster for a table scan to simply return the whole
> row (copying nothing, just pointing to the on-disk tuple) and let
> hashagg pick out the columns it needs, rather than for the scan to run a
> projection step just to select specific columns.
> If there's a Sort step, this isn't done because Sort neither evaluates
> its input nor projects new tuples on its output, it simply accepts the
> tuples it receives and returns them with the same structure. So now it's
> important to have the node providing input to the Sort projecting out
> only the minimum required set of columns.
> Why it's slower on the wider table... that's less obvious.

It's likely to just be tuple deforming. I've not tried it but I'd bet
you'll see slot_deform* very high in the profile. For the narrow table
only two attributes need to be extracted, for the wider one everything
up to a11 will get extracted.

I've wondered before if we shouldn't use the caching via
slot->tts_values so freely - if you only use a couple values from a wide
tuple the current implementation really sucks if those few aren't at the
beginning of the tuple.

the number of columns has strong effect, but it is not only one. I tested first two columns, and bigger tables is aggregated slowly - about 30%

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a1, a2 from t1 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                           
 Sort  (cost=2023263.19..2023263.25 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=84073.451..84073.452 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a2, a1
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=2023262.40..2023262.64 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=84073.430..84073.433 rows=24 loops=1) -- 23700
         Group Key: a2, a1
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..1497532.80 rows=70097280 width=4) (actual time=67.325..60152.052 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.107 ms
 Execution time: 84073.534 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select count(*), a1, a2 from t2 group by 3,2 order by 3,2;
                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                          
 Sort  (cost=1536868.33..1536868.39 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=21963.230..21963.231 rows=24 loops=1)
   Sort Key: a2, a1
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 26kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1536867.54..1536867.78 rows=24 width=4) (actual time=21963.209..21963.213 rows=24 loops=1) -- 16000
         Group Key: a2, a1
         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..1011137.88 rows=70097288 width=4) (actual time=0.063..5647.404 rows=70097280 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.069 ms
 Execution time: 21963.340 ms
(8 rows)

Profile when data are in first two columns

   7.87%  postgres                         [.] slot_deform_tuple                    
   7.48%  postgres                         [.] slot_getattr            
   7.10%  postgres                         [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
   3.74%  postgres                         [.] execTuplesMatch  
   3.68%  postgres                         [.] ExecAgg                   

Profile when data are in first and 11 column

  20.35%  postgres                         [.] slot_deform_tuple
   6.55%  postgres                         [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
   5.86%  postgres                         [.] slot_getattr
   4.15%  postgres                         [.] ExecAgg

So your hypothesis is valid





Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services