Обсуждение: Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)


Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)


My basic question is: in multimaster replication, if each site goes
ahead and does the modifications issued by the transaction and then
sends the writeset to others in the group, how the ACID properties be

Suppose there are two sites in the group, lets say, A and B and are
managing a database D. Two transactions TA and TB started in sites A
and B respectively, at nearly same time, wanted to update same row of
a table in the database. As, no locking structures and other
concurrency handling structures are replicated each will go ahead and
do the modifications in their corresponding databases and sends the
writeset. Since, both writesets contain update to the same row, will
the two transactions be rolled back or anything other than this

A more general question is: for Transactional isolation level
4(serializable level), the information such as locking of rows be
transmitted across sites? If not, what is the mechanism to address
concurrency with serializibility.


Re: Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)

Robert Hodges
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px">Hi Srinivas, <br /><br /> Multi-master
replicationin Postgres-R is handled using a process called certification that ensures there are no serializability
violations. Look at the paper by Kemme and Alonzo entitled “Don’t be Lazy, Be Consistent...” (<a
href="http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~kemme/papers/vldb00.html).">http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~kemme/papers/vldb00.html).</a> In
thefirst case you describe one transaction must abort if applying them would break serializability.  <br /><br /> In
thesecond case you describe, you must transmit read sets as well as write sets.  The same sort of algorithm is applied
asfor writes. <br /><br /> Please email me directly if you want more information.  <br /><br /> Thanks, Robert<br /><br
/>On 9/3/08 4:02 PM, "M2Y" <mailtoyahoo@gmail.com> wrote:<br /><br /></span></font><blockquote><font
face="Verdana,Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px">Hello,<br /><br /> My basic question is: in multimaster
replication,if each site goes<br /> ahead and does the modifications issued by the transaction and then<br /> sends the
writesetto others in the group, how the ACID properties be<br /> maintained?<br /><br /> Details:<br /> Suppose there
aretwo sites in the group, lets say, A and B and are<br /> managing a database D. Two transactions TA and TB started in
sitesA<br /> and B respectively, at nearly same time, wanted to update same row of<br /> a table in the database. As,
nolocking structures and other<br /> concurrency handling structures are replicated each will go ahead and<br /> do the
modificationsin their corresponding databases and sends the<br /> writeset. Since, both writesets contain update to the
samerow, will<br /> the two transactions be rolled back or anything other than this<br /> happens?<br /><br /> A more
generalquestion is: for Transactional isolation level<br /> 4(serializable level), the information such as locking of
rowsbe<br /> transmitted across sites? If not, what is the mechanism to address<br /> concurrency with
serializibility.<br/><br /> Thanks,<br /> Srinivas<br /><br /> --<br /> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list
(pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org)<br/> To make changes to your subscription:<br /><a
/></span></font></blockquote><fontface="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /><br /> -- <br
/>Robert Hodges, CTO, Continuent, Inc.<br /> Email:  robert.hodges@continuent.com<br /> Mobile:  +1-510-501-3728
 Skype: hodgesrm<br /></span></font> 

Re: Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)

Markus Wanner
Hello Srinivas,

M2Y wrote:
> My basic question is: in multimaster replication, if each site goes
> ahead and does the modifications issued by the transaction and then
> sends the writeset to others in the group, how the ACID properties be
> maintained?

Well, there are different approaches. With regard to locking, you can 
differentiate between pessimistic and optimistic locking. Synchronous 
replication solutions like two-phase commit and most statement based 
solutions do pessimistic locking: upon updating a row - and thus locking 
it - they make sure every other node locks the same row as well before 

Asynchronous replication solutions (including the original Postgres-R 
algorithm just mentioned by Robert Hodges) do optimistic locking: they 
proceed with the transaction even if they don't know in advance if the 
same rows can be locked for that transaction on all other nodes. They 
optimistically assume it will be possible to lock them in most cases. In 
all other cases, they abort one of two conflicting transactions.

Here you can distinguish even further between eager and lazy solutions: 
a lazy solution defers the check against conflicting transactions on 
other nodes to sometime after the commit. Upon detecting such a 
conflict, it must thus abort an already committed transaction (late 
abort). That's a violation of the ACID properties, but it's worthwhile 
in certain cases. On the other hand, the eager solution does the 
conflict checking and possible aborting *before* committing, thus 
maintaining full ACID properties. That method then suffers from an 
increased commit latency, dependent on the network.

See [1] for more information.

> A more general question is: for Transactional isolation level
> 4(serializable level), the information such as locking of rows be
> transmitted across sites? If not, what is the mechanism to address
> concurrency with serializibility.

Depends on the algorithm, but transferring every single lock is 
generally considered to be too expensive. Instead, locks are transferred 
indirectly by sending statements or changesets or such.

What kind of replication are you interested in?


Markus Wanner

[1]: Terms and Definitions for Database Replication:

Re: Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)

Thank you very much Robert and Markus.

> What kind of replication are you interested in?
Markus: It looks like the hybrid approach used by Postgres-R(as
described in that paper) is good.


Re: Conflict resolution in Multimaster replication(Postgres-R)

Markus Wanner
Hello Srinivas,

M2Y wrote:
> Markus: It looks like the hybrid approach used by Postgres-R(as
> described in that paper) is good.

Well, yeah. That's why am working on it ;-)

You are very welcome to download the patch and dig into the sources. See 
www.postgres-r.org for more information.

To answer your original question in more details:

> Suppose there are two sites in the group, lets say, A and B and are
> managing a database D. Two transactions TA and TB started in sites A
> and B respectively, at nearly same time, wanted to update same row of
> a table in the database. As, no locking structures and other
> concurrency handling structures are replicated each will go ahead and
> do the modifications in their corresponding databases and sends the
> writeset.

Correct so far. Note that both transactions might have applied changes, 
but they have not committed, yet.

In eager mode we rely on the Group Communication System to deliver these 
two changesets [1] in the same order on both nodes. Let's say both 
receive TA's changeset first, then TB's.

The backend which processed TA on node A can commit, because its changes 
don't conflict with anything else. The changeset of TB is forwarded to a 
helper backend, which tries to apply its changes. But the helper backend 
detects the conflict against TA and aborts (because it knows TA takes 
precedence on all other nodes as well).

On node B, the backend which processed TB has to wait with its commit, 
because another changeset, namely TA's came in first. For that changeset 
a helper backend is started as well, which applies the changes of TA. 
During application of changes, that helper backend detects a conflict 
against the (yet uncommitted) changes of TB. As it knows its transaction   TA takes precedence over TB (on all other
nodesas well), it tells TB 
to abort and continues applying its own changes.

I hope that was an understandable explanation.


Markus Wanner

[1]: In the original Postgres-R paper, these are called writesets. But 
in my implementation, I've altered its meaning somewhat. Because of that 
(and because I admittedly like "changeset" better), I've decided to call 
them changesets now...