Обсуждение: TidScan needs handling of a corner cases


TidScan needs handling of a corner cases

"Gurjeet Singh"
Hi All,<br /><br />    I noticed that the TidScan fails to identify when the requested block is not in the relation.
Considerthis (pg_class has 6 blocks):<br /><br />postgres=# explain analyze select ctid, * from pg_class where ctid in
('(6,1)' );<br /> ERROR:  could not read block 6 of relation 1663/11511/1259: read only 0 of 8192 bytes<br /><br />   
Also,it is known that 0 is not a valid row-offset in the block, but the tid input function accepts this value (it
rejects-ve values). For the same setup:<br /><br />postgres=#  explain analyze select ctid, * from pg_class where ctid
in( '(6,0)' );<br />                                             QUERY PLAN                                            
<br/>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />  Tid
Scanon pg_class  (cost=0.00..4.01 rows=1 width=211) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=0 loops=1)<br />   TID Cond: (ctid =
'(6,0)'::tid)<br/> Total runtime: 0.130 ms<br />(3 rows)<br /><br />    Can we safely fix these? First one by ignoring
therequest if  requested_block >= RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(), and second one by accepting only non-zero positive
valuesin the tid input function.<br /><br />Best regards<br /><br />-- <br />gurjeet[.singh]@EnterpriseDB.com<br
/>singh.gurjeet@{gmail | hotmail | indiatimes | yahoo }.com<br /><br />EnterpriseDB <a
href="http://www.enterprisedb.com">http://www.enterprisedb.com</a><br/><br /> Mail sent from my BlackLaptop device  

Re: TidScan needs handling of a corner cases

Tom Lane
"Gurjeet Singh" <singh.gurjeet@gmail.com> writes:
> postgres=# explain analyze select ctid, * from pg_class where ctid in (
> '(6,1)' );
> ERROR:  could not read block 6 of relation 1663/11511/1259: read only 0 of
> 8192 bytes

I was about to say that throwing an error for this is just fine, but on
closer investigation we didn't throw an error before 8.3; the behavioral
change is because mdread() now throws an error for out-of-bounds read.
So for consistency with historical behavior this probably needs to be

>     Also, it is known that 0 is not a valid row-offset in the block, but the
> tid input function accepts this value (it rejects -ve values). For the same
> setup:

Not sure what you think needs to be fixed in this case?  Again,
backwards compatibility seems a reason not to change it; and I sure
don't see why you'd want to throw an error for this case but not the
other one.
        regards, tom lane