Обсуждение: Vacuum and Hash Tables


Vacuum and Hash Tables

Jay Jay
Hi,<br /><br /> Currently, i'm helping out in a project testing the cache miss rates for different buffer replacement
policies.I've tried asking the postgresql channel on IRC but was directed to this mailing list instead.<br /><br /> At
themoment, i've replaced freelist.c with an implementation of the LRU policy and test runs of this policy independant
ofthe server appears to show that it works as expected. I run into problems however, when i attempt to initialise the
template1.The code returns<br /><br /> vacuuming database template1... FATAL: shared buffer hash table corrupted<br
/><br/> I suspect that this has something to do with the hashtables that i've used in buf_tables.c and the vacuum. Can
anyonepoint me to any resources that might shed more light on this?<br /><br /> Incidently, the code base i'm using is
version8.0.4<br /><br /><br /> Regards,<br /> Joseph<br />