Обсуждение: OLS BOF for linux & postgresql


OLS BOF for linux & postgresql

Mark Wong
I wanted to bounce the idea of a BOF at the Linux Symposium in
Ottawa and see if anyone would like to attend.  The deadline to
proposal is Feb 1st, sort of short notice...  I thought the dicussion
could revolved around these two topics:

Linux features that PostgreSQL should take advantage of.
Where PostgreSQL stresses Linux now.

Thoughts, ideas, etc. are welcome.

For more information on the Linux Symposium:http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2005/


Re: OLS BOF for linux & postgresql

Christopher Browne
markw@osdl.org (Mark Wong) wrote:
>     http://www.linuxsymposium.org/2005/

I'd be interested in being in on a BOF there; that's already a
convenient time for me to seek to be in Ottawa, as one brother will be
"conferencing" (as it were) at Connaught Ranges that week.

I notice, by the way, that BSDCan 2005 has just finished accepting
proposals for their conference in Ottawa May 13-15.  That was a
_fabulously_ successful event last year.  I'm not sure if there's any
PostgreSQL content; last year, that was the venue for an early Slony-I
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="ntlug.org" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Any  programmer  who  fails  to  comply  with  the  standard   naming,
formatting, or   commenting  conventions should  be shot.     If it so
happens  that it  is  inconvenient  to shoot  him,  then  he is to  be
politely  requested to  recode his  program in adherence  to the above
standard. -- Michael Spier, Digital Equipment Corporation