Обсуждение: 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries


7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

Tom Lane
Bruce suggested that we need a porting guide to help people look for
application and client-library code that will be broken by the changes
in PG 7.3.  Here is a first cut at documenting the issues.
Comments welcome --- in particular, what have I missed?
        regards, tom lane

Revising client-side code for PG 7.3 system catalogs

Here are some notes about things to look out for in updating client-side
code for PG 7.3.  Almost anything that looks at the system catalogs is
probably going to need work, if you want it to behave reasonably when you
start using 7.3's new features such as schemas and DROP COLUMN.

As an example, consider the task of listing the names and datatypes for
a table named "foo".  In the past you may have done this with a query like
SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute aWHERE c.relname = 'foo'  AND
a.attnum> 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oidORDER BY a.attnum

(this in fact is exactly what 7.2 psql uses to implement "\d foo").
This query will work perfectly well in 7.2 or 7.1, but it's broken in half
a dozen ways for 7.3.

The biggest problem is that with the addition of schemas, there might be
several tables named "foo" listed in pg_class.  The old query will produce
a list of all of their attributes mixed together.  For example, aftercreate schema a;create schema b;create table a.foo
(f1int, f2 text);create table b.foo (f1 text, f2 numeric(10,1));
we'd get:
attname |  format_type
---------+---------------f1      | textf1      | integerf2      | textf2      | numeric(10,1)
(4 rows)

Not good.  We need to decide exactly which foo we want, and restrict the
query to find only that row in pg_class.  There are a couple of ways to
do this, depending on how fancy you want to get.

If you just want to handle an unqualified table name "foo", and find the
same foo that would be found if you said "select * from foo", then one way
to do it is to restrict the query to "visible" rows of pg_class:
SELECT ...FROM ...WHERE c.relname = 'foo' AND pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)  AND ...

pg_table_is_visible() will only return true for pg_class rows that are in
your current search path and are not hidden by similarly-named tables that
are in earlier schemas of the search path.

An alternative way is to eliminate the explicit join to pg_class, and
instead use the new datatype "regclass" to look up the correct pg_class
SELECT ...FROM pg_attribute aWHERE a.attrelid = 'foo'::regclass  AND a.attnum > 0ORDER BY a.attnum

The regclass input converter looks up the given string as a table name
(obeying schema visibility rules) and produces an OID constant that you
can compare directly to attrelid.  This is more efficient than doing
the join, but there are a couple of things to note about it.  One is
that if there isn't any "foo" table, you'll get an ERROR message from
the regclass input converter, whereas with the old query you got zero
rows out and no error message.  You might or might not prefer the old
behavior.  Another limitation is that there isn't any way to adapt
this approach to search for a partially-specified table name;
whereas in the original query you could use a LIKE or regex pattern to
match the table name, not only a simple equality test.

Now, what if you'd like to be able to specify a qualified table name
--- that is, show the attributes of "a.foo" or "b.foo" on demand?
It will not work to sayWHERE c.relname = 'a.foo'
so this is another way in which the original query fails for 7.3.

It turns out that the regclass method will work for this: if you sayWHERE a.attrelid = 'a.foo'::regclass
then the right things happen.

If you don't want to use regclass then you're going to have to do an
explicit join against pg_namespace to find out which foo you want:
SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute aWHERE n.nspname =
'a'AND c.relname = 'foo'  AND c.relnamespace = n.oid  AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oidORDER BY a.attnum

This is somewhat tedious because you have to be prepared to split the
qualified name into its components on the client side.  An advantage
is that once you've done that, you can again consider using LIKE or
regex patterns instead of simple name equality.  This is essentially
what 7.3 psql does to support wildcard patterns like "\dt a*.f*".

Okay, I think we've about beaten the issue of "which foo do you want"
to death.  But what other ways are there for the schema feature to cause
trouble in this apparently now well-fixed-up query?

One way is that the system catalogs themselves live in a schema, and
if that schema isn't frontmost in your search path then your references
to pg_class and so forth might find the wrong tables.  (It's legal now
for ordinary users to create tables named like "pg_xxx", so long as they
don't try to put 'em in the system's schema.)  This is probably not a
big issue for standalone applications, which can assume they know what the
search path is.  But in client-side libraries, psql, and similar code
that has to be able to deal with someone else's choice of search path,
we really ought to make the references to system catalogs be fully
SELECT ...FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c,     pg_catalog.pg_attribute aWHERE ...

(If you weren't using table aliases in your queries before, here is a good
place to start...)

In fact it's worse than that: function names, type names, etc also live in
schemas.  So you really ought to qualify references to built-in functions
and types too:
SELECT ..., pg_catalog.format_type(...) ...
WHERE a.attrelid = 'foo'::pg_catalog.regclass ...

The truly paranoid might want to qualify their operator names too,
though I draw the line at this because of the horribly ugly syntax needed:
WHERE a.attrelid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 'foo'::pg_catalog.regclass

There's another, non-schema-related, gotcha in this apparently simple task
of showing attribute names: in 7.3 you need to exclude dropped attributes
from your display.  ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN doesn't remove the
pg_attribute entry for the dropped column, it only changes it to have
attisdropped = true.  So you will typically want to add
WHERE NOT attisdropped

when looking at pg_attribute.

Note however that excluding dropped columns like this means there may be
gaps in the series of attnum values you see.  That doesn't bother this
particular query, but it could easily confuse applications that expect the
attributes to have consecutive attnums 1 to N.  For example, pg_dump makes
an array of attributes and wants to index into the array with attnums.
It proved easier to make pg_dump include dropped attributes in its array
(and filter them out later) than to change the indexing logic.

If you have client-side code that looks in pg_proc, pg_type, or
pg_operator then exactly the same sorts of schema-related issues appear:
the name alone is no longer unique, you have to think about identifying
the function, type, or operator within the schema you want.

That's about all the mileage I can get out of the "show a table's
attributes" example, but there are still more schema-related trouble
items to check for.

One problem to look for is code that scans pg_class (or another system
table, but most commonly pg_class) to make a list of things to operate
on.  For example, various people have built scripts to automatically
reindex every table in a database.  Such code will fail as soon as you
start using schemas, because it will find tables that aren't in your
current schema search path and try to operate on them.  Depending on what
you want to do, you could change the code to emit fully qualified names
of tables it wants to operate on (so it will work no matter which schema
they are in), or you could restrict the pg_class search to find only
visible tables.

If you want to use qualified names, the straightforward way to do it
is to join against pg_namespace to get the schema name:
SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace nWHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND relname LIKE 'foo%' AND ...

A less obvious way is to use the regclass output converter:
SELECT c.oid::regclass FROM pg_class cWHERE relname LIKE 'foo%' AND ...

This will give you back a table name that is qualified only if it needs to
be (i.e., the table is not visible in your search path), so you can use
it directly in the command you want to give next.  Another interesting
property of the regclass converter is that it will double-quote the name
correctly if necessary --- for example, you'll get "TEST" (with the
quotes) if the table is named TEST.  So you can splice the name directly
into a SQL command without any special pushups and be confident that it
will produce the right results.

BTW, there are similar output converters for type, function, and operator
names, if you need them.

Another thing to look for is code that tries to exclude system tables by
excluding tablenames beginning with "pg_"; typical code is likeWHERE relname NOT LIKE 'pg\\_%'
orWHERE relname !~ '^pg_'
This is not the preferred method anymore: the right way to do this is to
join against pg_namespace and exclude tables that live in schemas whose
names begin with "pg_".

A related point is that temporary tables no longer have names (in the
catalogs) of the form "pg_temp_NNN"; rather they have exactly the name
that the creating user gave them.  They are kept separate from other
tables by placing them in schemas named like "pg_temp_NNN" (where now
NNN identifies an active backend, not a single table).  So if you wanted
your scan to exclude temp tables then you'd definitely better change to
excluding on the basis of schema name not table name.  On the upside,
if you do want your scan to show temp tables then it's much easier than
before.  (BTW, the pg_table_is_visible function is the best way of
distinguishing your own session's temp tables from other people's.  Yours
will be visible, other people's won't.)

Other things that are less likely to concern most applications, but could
break some:

Aggregate functions now have entries in pg_proc; pg_aggregate has lost
most of its columns and now is just an extension of a pg_proc entry.
If you have code that knows the difference between a plain function and
an aggregate function then it will surely need work.

pg_class.relkind has a new possible value, 'c' for a composite type.

pg_type.typtype has two new possible values, 'd' for a domain and 'p' for
a pseudo-type.

7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

Lee Kindness
Tom, do you think there is millage in adding functions (at least to
contrib) to PostgreSQL to avoid some of the common tasks applications
look into pg_* for?

For example I recently audited our code here for pg_* access, and
managed to create two plpgsql functions to replace all
occurrences. They were relatively simple queries to check if a table
existed and to check if a column existed, functions for 7.2.x:
\echo creating function: column_existsCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION column_exists(NAME, NAME) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS 'DECLARE
 tab ALIAS FOR $1;    col ALIAS FOR $2;    rec RECORD;BEGIN    SELECT INTO rec *        FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
      WHERE c.relname = tab        AND   c.oid     = a.attrelid        AND   a.attnum  > 0        AND   a.attname =
col;   IF NOT FOUND THEN        RETURN false;    ELSE        RETURN true;    END IF;END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
\echo creating function: table_existsCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table_exists(NAME) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS 'DECLARE    tab
ALIASFOR $1;    rec RECORD;BEGIN    SELECT INTO rec *        FROM  pg_class c        WHERE c.relname = tab;    IF NOT
FOUNDTHEN        RETURN false;    ELSE        RETURN true;    END IF;END;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Obviously these need attention when our application targets 7.3 (and
thanks for the heads-up), but all changes are localised. Surely these
must be fairly common tests and maybe better added to the database
server so applications are less dependant on internal catalogues?

Any desire for me to polish these two functions up for contrib in 7.3?
Actually the Cookbook at http://www.brasileiro.net/postgres/ has
similar function which will need attention for 7.3 too, is the
eventual plan for this to be folded into the core release?

Thanks, Lee.

Tom Lane writes:> Bruce suggested that we need a porting guide to help people look for> application and client-library
codethat will be broken by the changes> in PG 7.3.  Here is a first cut at documenting the issues.> Comments welcome
---in particular, what have I missed?> [snip ]

Re: 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

Tom Lane
Lee Kindness <lkindness@csl.co.uk> writes:


> Obviously these need attention when our application targets 7.3 (and
> thanks for the heads-up), but all changes are localised.

They are?  What will your policy be about schema names --- won't you
have to touch every caller to add a schema name parameter?

I'm not averse to trying to push logic over to the backend, but I think
the space of application requirements is wide enough that designing
general-purpose functions will be quite difficult.
        regards, tom lane

Re: 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
Was this going to make it into the release notes or something?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-hackers-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-hackers-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Tom Lane
> Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2002 9:54 AM
> To: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org; pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org
> Subject: [HACKERS] 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries
> Bruce suggested that we need a porting guide to help people look for
> application and client-library code that will be broken by the changes
> in PG 7.3.  Here is a first cut at documenting the issues.
> Comments welcome --- in particular, what have I missed?
>             regards, tom lane
> Revising client-side code for PG 7.3 system catalogs
> Here are some notes about things to look out for in updating client-side
> code for PG 7.3.  Almost anything that looks at the system catalogs is
> probably going to need work, if you want it to behave reasonably when you
> start using 7.3's new features such as schemas and DROP COLUMN.
> As an example, consider the task of listing the names and datatypes for
> a table named "foo".  In the past you may have done this with a query like
>     SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)
>     FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
>     WHERE c.relname = 'foo'
>       AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid
>     ORDER BY a.attnum


Re: 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

Bruce Momjian
I have copied Tom's fine email to:

and have added a mention of it in the HISTORY file:
  A dump/restore using "pg_dump" is required for those wishing to migrate  data from any previous release.  A summary
ofchanges needed in client  applications is at http://www.ca.postgresql.org/docs/momjian/upgrade_7.3.


Tom Lane wrote:
> Bruce suggested that we need a porting guide to help people look for
> application and client-library code that will be broken by the changes
> in PG 7.3.  Here is a first cut at documenting the issues.
> Comments welcome --- in particular, what have I missed?
>             regards, tom lane
> Revising client-side code for PG 7.3 system catalogs
> Here are some notes about things to look out for in updating client-side
> code for PG 7.3.  Almost anything that looks at the system catalogs is
> probably going to need work, if you want it to behave reasonably when you
> start using 7.3's new features such as schemas and DROP COLUMN.
> As an example, consider the task of listing the names and datatypes for
> a table named "foo".  In the past you may have done this with a query like
>     SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)
>     FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
>     WHERE c.relname = 'foo'
>       AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid
>     ORDER BY a.attnum
> (this in fact is exactly what 7.2 psql uses to implement "\d foo").
> This query will work perfectly well in 7.2 or 7.1, but it's broken in half
> a dozen ways for 7.3.
> The biggest problem is that with the addition of schemas, there might be
> several tables named "foo" listed in pg_class.  The old query will produce
> a list of all of their attributes mixed together.  For example, after
>     create schema a;
>     create schema b;
>     create table a.foo (f1 int, f2 text);
>     create table b.foo (f1 text, f2 numeric(10,1));
> we'd get:
>  attname |  format_type
> ---------+---------------
>  f1      | text
>  f1      | integer
>  f2      | text
>  f2      | numeric(10,1)
> (4 rows)
> Not good.  We need to decide exactly which foo we want, and restrict the
> query to find only that row in pg_class.  There are a couple of ways to
> do this, depending on how fancy you want to get.
> If you just want to handle an unqualified table name "foo", and find the
> same foo that would be found if you said "select * from foo", then one way
> to do it is to restrict the query to "visible" rows of pg_class:
>     SELECT ...
>     FROM ...
>     WHERE c.relname = 'foo' AND pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
>       AND ...
> pg_table_is_visible() will only return true for pg_class rows that are in
> your current search path and are not hidden by similarly-named tables that
> are in earlier schemas of the search path.
> An alternative way is to eliminate the explicit join to pg_class, and
> instead use the new datatype "regclass" to look up the correct pg_class
> OID:
>     SELECT ...
>     FROM pg_attribute a
>     WHERE a.attrelid = 'foo'::regclass
>       AND a.attnum > 0
>     ORDER BY a.attnum
> The regclass input converter looks up the given string as a table name
> (obeying schema visibility rules) and produces an OID constant that you
> can compare directly to attrelid.  This is more efficient than doing
> the join, but there are a couple of things to note about it.  One is
> that if there isn't any "foo" table, you'll get an ERROR message from
> the regclass input converter, whereas with the old query you got zero
> rows out and no error message.  You might or might not prefer the old
> behavior.  Another limitation is that there isn't any way to adapt
> this approach to search for a partially-specified table name;
> whereas in the original query you could use a LIKE or regex pattern to
> match the table name, not only a simple equality test.
> Now, what if you'd like to be able to specify a qualified table name
> --- that is, show the attributes of "a.foo" or "b.foo" on demand?
> It will not work to say
>     WHERE c.relname = 'a.foo'
> so this is another way in which the original query fails for 7.3.
> It turns out that the regclass method will work for this: if you say
>     WHERE a.attrelid = 'a.foo'::regclass
> then the right things happen.
> If you don't want to use regclass then you're going to have to do an
> explicit join against pg_namespace to find out which foo you want:
>     SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)
>     FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a
>     WHERE n.nspname = 'a' AND c.relname = 'foo'
>       AND c.relnamespace = n.oid
>       AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid
>     ORDER BY a.attnum
> This is somewhat tedious because you have to be prepared to split the
> qualified name into its components on the client side.  An advantage
> is that once you've done that, you can again consider using LIKE or
> regex patterns instead of simple name equality.  This is essentially
> what 7.3 psql does to support wildcard patterns like "\dt a*.f*".
> Okay, I think we've about beaten the issue of "which foo do you want"
> to death.  But what other ways are there for the schema feature to cause
> trouble in this apparently now well-fixed-up query?
> One way is that the system catalogs themselves live in a schema, and
> if that schema isn't frontmost in your search path then your references
> to pg_class and so forth might find the wrong tables.  (It's legal now
> for ordinary users to create tables named like "pg_xxx", so long as they
> don't try to put 'em in the system's schema.)  This is probably not a
> big issue for standalone applications, which can assume they know what the
> search path is.  But in client-side libraries, psql, and similar code
> that has to be able to deal with someone else's choice of search path,
> we really ought to make the references to system catalogs be fully
> qualified:
>     SELECT ...
>     FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c,
>          pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
>     WHERE ...
> (If you weren't using table aliases in your queries before, here is a good
> place to start...)
> In fact it's worse than that: function names, type names, etc also live in
> schemas.  So you really ought to qualify references to built-in functions
> and types too:
>     SELECT ..., pg_catalog.format_type(...) ...
>     WHERE a.attrelid = 'foo'::pg_catalog.regclass ...
> The truly paranoid might want to qualify their operator names too,
> though I draw the line at this because of the horribly ugly syntax needed:
>     WHERE a.attrelid OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) 'foo'::pg_catalog.regclass
> There's another, non-schema-related, gotcha in this apparently simple task
> of showing attribute names: in 7.3 you need to exclude dropped attributes
> from your display.  ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN doesn't remove the
> pg_attribute entry for the dropped column, it only changes it to have
> attisdropped = true.  So you will typically want to add
>     WHERE NOT attisdropped
> when looking at pg_attribute.
> Note however that excluding dropped columns like this means there may be
> gaps in the series of attnum values you see.  That doesn't bother this
> particular query, but it could easily confuse applications that expect the
> attributes to have consecutive attnums 1 to N.  For example, pg_dump makes
> an array of attributes and wants to index into the array with attnums.
> It proved easier to make pg_dump include dropped attributes in its array
> (and filter them out later) than to change the indexing logic.
> If you have client-side code that looks in pg_proc, pg_type, or
> pg_operator then exactly the same sorts of schema-related issues appear:
> the name alone is no longer unique, you have to think about identifying
> the function, type, or operator within the schema you want.
> That's about all the mileage I can get out of the "show a table's
> attributes" example, but there are still more schema-related trouble
> items to check for.
> One problem to look for is code that scans pg_class (or another system
> table, but most commonly pg_class) to make a list of things to operate
> on.  For example, various people have built scripts to automatically
> reindex every table in a database.  Such code will fail as soon as you
> start using schemas, because it will find tables that aren't in your
> current schema search path and try to operate on them.  Depending on what
> you want to do, you could change the code to emit fully qualified names
> of tables it wants to operate on (so it will work no matter which schema
> they are in), or you could restrict the pg_class search to find only
> visible tables.
> If you want to use qualified names, the straightforward way to do it
> is to join against pg_namespace to get the schema name:
>     SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n
>     WHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND relname LIKE 'foo%' AND ...
> A less obvious way is to use the regclass output converter:
>     SELECT c.oid::regclass FROM pg_class c
>     WHERE relname LIKE 'foo%' AND ...
> This will give you back a table name that is qualified only if it needs to
> be (i.e., the table is not visible in your search path), so you can use
> it directly in the command you want to give next.  Another interesting
> property of the regclass converter is that it will double-quote the name
> correctly if necessary --- for example, you'll get "TEST" (with the
> quotes) if the table is named TEST.  So you can splice the name directly
> into a SQL command without any special pushups and be confident that it
> will produce the right results.
> BTW, there are similar output converters for type, function, and operator
> names, if you need them.
> Another thing to look for is code that tries to exclude system tables by
> excluding tablenames beginning with "pg_"; typical code is like
>     WHERE relname NOT LIKE 'pg\\_%'
> or
>     WHERE relname !~ '^pg_'
> This is not the preferred method anymore: the right way to do this is to
> join against pg_namespace and exclude tables that live in schemas whose
> names begin with "pg_".
> A related point is that temporary tables no longer have names (in the
> catalogs) of the form "pg_temp_NNN"; rather they have exactly the name
> that the creating user gave them.  They are kept separate from other
> tables by placing them in schemas named like "pg_temp_NNN" (where now
> NNN identifies an active backend, not a single table).  So if you wanted
> your scan to exclude temp tables then you'd definitely better change to
> excluding on the basis of schema name not table name.  On the upside,
> if you do want your scan to show temp tables then it's much easier than
> before.  (BTW, the pg_table_is_visible function is the best way of
> distinguishing your own session's temp tables from other people's.  Yours
> will be visible, other people's won't.)
> Other things that are less likely to concern most applications, but could
> break some:
> Aggregate functions now have entries in pg_proc; pg_aggregate has lost
> most of its columns and now is just an extension of a pg_proc entry.
> If you have code that knows the difference between a plain function and
> an aggregate function then it will surely need work.
> pg_class.relkind has a new possible value, 'c' for a composite type.
> pg_type.typtype has two new possible values, 'd' for a domain and 'p' for
> a pseudo-type.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/users-lounge/docs/faq.html

--  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us pgman@candle.pha.pa.us               |  (610)
359-1001+  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square,

Re: 7.3 gotchas for applications and client libraries

Lee Kindness

Going back a bit, but relevant with 7.3's release...

Tom Lane writes on 03 Sep 2002:> Lee Kindness <lkindness@csl.co.uk> writes:> >> > [ original post was regarding the
mileagein adding utility> >   functions to PostgreSQL to cut-out common catalog lookups, thus> >   making apps less
fragileto catalog changes ]> >> > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION column_exists(NAME, NAME) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS '> > CREATE
ORREPLACE FUNCTION table_exists(NAME) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS'> >> > Obviously these need attention when our application
targets7.3 (and> > thanks for the heads-up), but all changes are localised.>> They are?  What will your policy be about
schemanames --- won't you> have to touch every caller to add a schema name parameter?

As it turns out, no. And thinking about i'm sure this is right
approach too, assuming:

SELECT column_exists('foo', 'f1');

should return 'f', however:
SELECT column_exists('a.foo', 'f1');

should return 't', likewise with:
SET SEARCH_PATH TO "a","public";SELECT column_exists('foo', 'f1');

I can't see any use in a separate parameter - the user will want the
current - in scope - table, or explicitly specify the schema with the
table name.
> I'm not averse to trying to push logic over to the backend, but I think> the space of application requirements is
wideenough that designing> general-purpose functions will be quite difficult.

On the whole I'd agree, but I think determining if a table/column
exists has quite a high usage... More so with things like
current_database() added to 7.3. Anyway, for reference here are
column_exists(table, column) and table_exists(table) functions for
PostgreSQL 7.3, changes from 7.3 version maked by ' -- PG7.3':

\echo creating function: column_exists
$2;   rec RECORD;BEGIN    SELECT INTO rec *        FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a        WHERE c.relname = tab
AND  pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) -- PG7.3        AND   c.oid     = a.attrelid        AND   a.attnum  > 0        AND
a.attname= col;    IF NOT FOUND THEN        RETURN false;    ELSE        RETURN true;    END IF;END;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

\echo creating function: table_exists
SELECTINTO rec *        FROM  pg_class c        WHERE c.relname = tab;        AND   pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) -- PG7.3
  IF NOT FOUND THEN        RETURN false;    ELSE        RETURN true;    END IF;END;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Of course, thanks for the original email in this thread:

Thanks, Lee Kindness.