Обсуждение: PQprintf



Adam Siegel
I have developed a function to help me with escaping strings more easily.  
It kind of behaves like printf and is very crude.  Before I do anymore
work, I was hoping to get some comments or notice if someone has already
done this.

I was also thinking there could be a function call PQprintfExec that would
build the sql from the printf and call PQexec in one step.

Comments Please!


/** PQprintf** This function acts kind of like printf.  It takes care of escaping* strings and bytea for you, then runs
PQexec. The format string* defintion is as follows:**   %i = integer*   %f = float*   %s = normal string*   %e = escape
thestring*   %b = escape the bytea* * When you use %b, you must add another argument just after the* variable holding
thebinary data with its length.**/
char *
PQprintf(const char *format, ...)
{    va_list arg;    char *sql = NULL;    char *parse = (char*)strdup(format);    char *p;    char buff[256];    char
*str;   char *to;    size_t length;    size_t size;    size_t esize;    char* s_arg;    float f_arg;    int i_arg;
    va_start(arg, format);
    p = (char*)strtok(parse, "%");    sql = (char*)strdup(p);    size = strlen(sql);
    while (p)    {  if ((p = (char*)strtok(NULL, "%")))  {       switch (*p)        {        /* integer */       case
'i':       i_arg = va_arg(arg, int);        sprintf(buff, "%i", i_arg);        size += strlen(buff);        sql =
(char*)realloc(sql,size + 1);        strcat(sql, buff);        break;
        /* float */       case 'f':        f_arg = va_arg(arg, float);        sprintf(buff, "%f", f_arg);        size
+=strlen(buff);        sql = (char*)realloc(sql, size + 1);        strcat(sql, buff);        break;
        /* string */       case 's':        s_arg = va_arg(arg, char*);        puts(s_arg);        size +=
strlen(s_arg);       sql = (char*)realloc(sql, size + 1);        strcat(sql, s_arg);        break;
        /* escape string */       case 'e':        s_arg = va_arg(arg, char*);        to = (char*)malloc((2 *
strlen(s_arg))+ 1);        PQescapeString(to, s_arg, strlen(s_arg));        size += strlen(to);        sql =
(char*)realloc(sql,size + 1);        strcat(sql, to);        free(to);        break;
        /* escape bytea */       case 'b':        s_arg = va_arg(arg, char*);        length = va_arg(arg, int);
str= PQescapeBytea(s_arg, length, &esize);        size += esize;        sql = (char*)realloc(sql, size + 1);
strcat(sql,str);        free(str);        break;       }
       size += strlen(++p);       sql = (char*)realloc(sql, size + 1);       strcat(sql, p);  }    }
    return sql;

Re: PQprintf

Tom Lane
Adam Siegel <adam@sycamorehq.com> writes:
> I have developed a function to help me with escaping strings more easily.  
> It kind of behaves like printf and is very crude.  Before I do anymore
> work, I was hoping to get some comments or notice if someone has already
> done this.

Seems like the start of a good idea, though I agree it's crude yet.
One thing you definitely need is more control over %f (precision

One suggestion: use libpq's "pqexpbuffer.h" routines to manipulate the
expansible string buffer, instead of reinventing that wheel yet again.
        regards, tom lane