Обсуждение: Initial Release of PostGIS


Initial Release of PostGIS

Dave Blasby
Refractions Research is pleased to announce the inital release of
PostGIS, a set of 3-D geographic object types for the PostgreSQL 7.1.x
database server.

PostGIS includes the following functionality:

- Simple Features as defined by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
  - Point
  - LineString
  - Polygon (with holes)
  - MultiPoint
  - MultiLineString
  - MultiPolygon
  - GeometryCollection
- The text representation of the simple features is the OGC
  Well-Known Text format.
- Geometries can be indexed using either R-Tree (not recommended) or
  GiST (recommended).
- Simple geospatial analysis functions.
- PostgreSQL JDBC extension objects corresponding to the geometries.

PostGIS is released under the GNU General Public Licence.

For more information, visit the PostGIS web site,
http://postgis.refractions.net or join the discussion list by sending a
message to postgis-subscribe@yahoogroups.com .