Обсуждение: 7.1beta4 RPMs.


7.1beta4 RPMs.

Lamar Owen
Unless Marc makes changes to the beta4 tarball, there will be beta4
RPM's for you to play with shortly.  Actually, they are uploading now

ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/dev/test-rpms is the place.....

If changes are made, I'll rebuild as soon as I find out (probably 18
hours or so from now).
RPM changes since beta3:
1.)    /usr/share/postgresql, /etc/postgresql, and /usr/include/postgresql
changed back to pgsql, to match /var/lib/pgsql (which is not at all
likely to change).
2.)    Now rebuilds without having to have the -devel rpm installed. :-0
3.)    More documentation in html under the docdir
(/usr/doc/postgresql-7.1beta4 on redhat 6.2).
4.)    Regression test dirs now have right ownership.

Still to be done:
README.rpm-dist updates.
Full upgrade testing.
-lib split.
-contrib subpackage.
others that I have forgotten at this point in the night.....

Regression may be run by installing at least the main package, the
server subpackage, and the test subpackage.  Then, start the postmaster
(/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start), which will initdb if needed, su to
postgres, cd to /usr/share/pgsql/test/regress, and execute:
./pg_regress --schedule=parallel_schedule

RPMs passed regression (except for locale errors) on my RedHat 6.2 devel

I have changed the absolute minimum from beta3-2.  Please let me know
any problems you find!

I am for now leaving the 7.1beta3-2 RPMset up.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: 7.1beta4 RPMs.

Lamar Owen
Lamar Owen wrote:
> ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/dev/test-rpms is the place.....

One note: for whatever reason the date on the uploaded RPM's has the
wrong year -- but the timestamp on my local copy has the correct date. 
In any case, ignore the datestamp on those RPM's -- there were _not_
built a year ago on Sat, January 29, 2000.

But, they _are_ up for your RPM'ing pleasure.  Please try to rebuild
from source on whatever machine you have -- te more reports, the better
the RPM.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

Re: 7.1beta4 RPMs.

Brent Verner
On 29 Jan 2001 at 02:50 (-0500), Lamar Owen wrote:
| Lamar Owen wrote:
| > ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/dev/test-rpms is the place.....
| One note: for whatever reason the date on the uploaded RPM's has the
| wrong year -- but the timestamp on my local copy has the correct date. 
| In any case, ignore the datestamp on those RPM's -- there were _not_
| built a year ago on Sat, January 29, 2000.

yeah, right ;)

comment on the rpms: 1) could you modify the init script, specifically the initdb command,    to use the assigned
$PGDATA.I have an environment where the    main database must be installed to a different location than
/var/lib/pgsql(/data)?.the suggested line is below.
      su -l postgres -c "/usr/bin/initdb -D $PGDATA" > /dev/null
    also, the original had a little typo: '< /dev/null'

otherwise, my experience with the rpms has been pretty good :) Thanks
for your effort.

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