Обсуждение: Re: RE. COBOL FILES



Thomas Lockhart
Orlandi wrote:
> I am user of Microfocus Cobol Netexpress 3.1 and I use
> IDXFORMAT " 4 "  for my files.
> I know that I can use the format Btrieve ANSI and to install Btrieve
> in my Linux server  with Format : IDXFORMAT " 6 " , and in the
> case of Btrieve I can just recompile the programs, without
> needing to alter the source code , I also know about that.
> The one that I need to know is:
> What should I do to use Postgre as manager of files in the
> Linux server ?

Bom dia Jairo. Unfortunately I have no experience with Microfocus Cobol
or Btrieve. I'm copying this to the -hackers mailing list and perhaps
someone will have some suggestions in this area.

In general, Postgres is an RDBMS which is highly compatible with other
RDBMS products. So if you have an RDBMS solution already, then the port
should be pretty easy. If you don't already have an RDBMS in your
system, then you will want to look into the general capabilities and
interface options to make sure that you have a clear path for your
application migration.

Good luck!
                    - Thomas