Обсуждение: Re: AW: Modified pg_dump & new pg_restore need testing...


Re: AW: Modified pg_dump & new pg_restore need testing...

Philip Warner
At 10:18 3/07/00 +0200, Zeugswetter Andreas SB wrote:
>Imho the default should be text for anything except data. The data should
>be in a format similar to a binary cursor. I say similar, because this
>format should 
>probably be converted to a network byte order, so you can restore on another
>hardware. Imho calling type output and input functions during backup/restore
>is a substantial overhead that would best be avoided.

Have a look at the utilities. I have attempted to make the custom format
transportable (at least as transportable as pg_dump). If anyone has a 64
bit machine with weird byte order I'd love them to test restoring a backup
made on another machine. If it does not work, I am happy to make it work
(at least as well as pg_dump works).

It just occurred to me that I may be missing something...do you mean you
would prefer to avoid the 'COPY' commands as the backup technique? If so, I
think that's best left to somebody else (or me, but not now, and probably
not until the WAL is implemented).

Also, defining your own output format is pretty easy; the new code defines
a top level interface (for pg_dump and pg_restore) and an archiver
interface (for output file formats), if you really want a different format.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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