Обсуждение: AW: [HACKERS] Re: SQL statements: begin and end


AW: [HACKERS] Re: SQL statements: begin and end

Zeugswetter Andreas SEV
> > I see everybody using the following PostgreSQL statements:
> > 
> > "begin" instead of "begin work"
> > "end" instead of "commit work"
> > 
> > This is really bad, because it is not standard, and can 
> easily be taken for
> > a statement block, which it is definitely not ! It is a 
> transaction block.
> > 
> > I vote for issuing a NOTICE for these in V7 and remove them in V8,
> > at least the single "end"
> Not sure on this one.  Why not let them use it?

1. It is actually already forbidden inside plpgsql, since there it is
a statement block, no ?
2. somebody stated, that is has a different meaning in embedded sql spec ?
(I did it again, have not checked :-()

I actually don't have strong feelings on this, just thought I'd bring it up,
cause it personally always misguides me.
