Обсуждение: pg-dump bug (at 6.4)


pg-dump bug (at 6.4)

"Oliver Elphick"
pg_dump has improved a lot since 6.3.2, but here is one bug that relates
to inheritance, where a parent table has constraints.  

These are the original table definitions:

create table individual
(       gender          char(1)         check (gender = 'M' or gender = 'F' or 
gender is null),       born            datetime        check ((born >= '1 Jan 1880' and born 
<= 'today') or born is null),       surname         text,       forenames       text,       title           text,
old_surname    text,       mobile          text,       ni_no           text,
       constraint is_named check (not (surname isnull and forenames isnull))
)       inherits (person)

create table outworker
(       started         datetime                not null,       finish          datetime

)       inherits (individual)

This is the output from trying to reload the pg_dump output:

CREATE TABLE "individual" ("gender" char(1), "born" "datetime", "surname" 
"text", "forenames" "text", "title" "text", "old_surname" "text", "mobile" 
"text", "ni_no" "text",  CONSTRAINT is_named CHECK (NOT ( surname IS NULL AND 
forenames IS NULL )),  CONSTRAINT individual_born CHECK (( born >= '1 Jan 
1880' AND born <= 'today' ) OR born IS NULL),  CONSTRAINT individual_gender 
CHECK (gender = 'M' OR gender = 'F' OR gender IS NULL)) inherits ( "person");

CREATE TABLE "outworker" ("started" "datetime" NOT NULL, "finish" "datetime",  
CONSTRAINT individual_gender CHECK (gender = 'M' OR gender = 'F' OR gender IS 
NULL),  CONSTRAINT individual_born CHECK (( born >= '1 Jan 1880' AND born <= 
'today' ) OR born IS NULL),  CONSTRAINT is_named CHECK (NOT ( surname IS NULL 
AND forenames IS NULL ))) inherits ( "individual");
ERROR:  DefineRelation: name (individual_gender) of CHECK constraint duplicated

The problem is that pg_dump is unnecessarily restating the constraints for
the parent table in its descendants.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver              PGP key from public servers; key
ID32B8FAA1                ========================================    "Therefore being justified by faith, we have
peace     with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."    Romans 5:1

Re: [HACKERS] pg-dump bug (at 6.4)

"Oliver Elphick"
I have investigated further the bug in pg_dump relating to inherited
check constraints.  This arises in src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c in getTables(), where the query recovers all the
constraintsfor a table, whether or not
they are inherited:            1477        sprintf(query, "SELECT rcname, rcsrc from pg_relcheck "     1478
         "where rcrelid = '%s'::oid ",                1479                           tblinfo[i].oid);                 

In the following example, a constraint is inherited from the
table `individual':
  bray=> select oid, relname from pg_class         where oid in             (select rcrelid from pg_relcheck
 where rcname = 'is_named')       order by oid desc;    oid|relname     -----+----------  67552|staff
67436|outworker  67111|individual  (3 rows)

  bray=> select rcrelid, rcname, rcsrc from pg_relcheck         where rcname = 'is_named'         order by rcrelid
desc; rcrelid|rcname  |rcsrc
-------+--------+---------------------------------------------   67552|is_named|NOT ( surname IS NULL AND forenames IS
NULL)    67436|is_named|NOT ( surname IS NULL AND forenames IS NULL )    67111|is_named|NOT ( surname IS NULL AND
forenamesIS NULL )  (3 rows)

pg_dump writes all three constraints into its output, which causes the
table creation to fail on the inherited tables when the database is

We actually need to select a check constraint only if, for each constraint,
tblinfo[i].oid = min(rcrelid).  However, I cannot work out how
to write the query (not least because there is no min()
function for oids).

Can anyone take this further, please?

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver              PGP key from public servers; key
ID32B8FAA1                ========================================    "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and
thatnot     of yourselves. It is the gift of God; not of works,      lest any man should boast."    Ephesians 2:8,9