Обсуждение: i386_solaris port...problem found...


i386_solaris port...problem found...

The Hermit Hacker
Remember that heap_modifytuple error that I was reporting for
i386_solaris?  Well, I hit it with my server in Toronto today trying to
get a v6.3 server up for Julie to test ODBC against...which blew my mind,
since I hadn't experienced any problems here at home.

After investigating further, it appears the problem was a versioning
one...when I was running 'initdb', it was taking 'postgres' out of my
path, which is different (v6.2.1 vs v6.3) then the one that I wanted.

Once I set the path correctly, I got a clean initdb from i386_solaris as
well...will try regression tests tomorrow.

With that in mind, would it make more sense to have a --pgbase vs --pglib
option to initdb?  So that we'd use:

    $pgbase/bin/postgres with $pgbase/lib/..?

    --pgdata is still seperate, for obvious reasons.  The bin/lib
directories should be central...the data directory can be pretty much
created anywhere.


Marc G. Fournier
Systems Administrator @ hub.org
primary: scrappy@hub.org           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org