Обсуждение: hstore to json and back again


hstore to json and back again

Paul Jungwirth

I'm trying to migrate an existing hstore column to json in Postgres
9.3, and I'd like to be able to run the script in reverse. I know not
all JSON can turn back into hstore, but since this is coming from an
old hstore column, I know the structure is flat (no nesting), and that
all values are strings.

Here is the SQL I'm using to go hstore -> json:

SET datahash_new = to_json(datahash_old)

Is there any SQL I can use to go backwards?:
SET datahash_old = xxxxx(datahash_new)

I understand why there is not a general-purpose solution, but in my
case this should be possible. I've tried to cook something up with
json_each_text, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Can anyone
offer any help?


Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

Re: hstore to json and back again

Paul Jungwirth
> I'm trying to migrate an existing hstore column to json in Postgres
> 9.3, and I'd like to be able to run the script in reverse.

To answer my own question, this partially solves the problem for me
(foo.datahash_new has json, foo.datahash_old has hstore):

    connection.select_rows(<<-EOQ).each do |id, key, value|
      SELECT  id,
      FROM    foo
      key = connection.quote(key)
      value = connection.quote(value)
      connection.execute <<-EOQ
        UPDATE  foo
        SET     datahash_old = COALESCE(datahash_old, ''::hstore) ||
hstore(#{key}, #{value})
        WHERE   id = #{id.to_i}

That is Ruby driving the SQL. So this is a SELECT and then a bunch of
UPDATEs. I'd love to convert this to a single UPDATE, but I couldn't
get that to work. I tried this:

SET    datahash_old = COALESCE(datahash_old, ''::hstore) ||
hstore(x.key, x.value)
FROM (SELECT id, (json_each_text(datahash_new)).*
            FROM foo) x(id, key, value)
WHERE foo.id = x.id

But that doesn't work, because multiple json key/value pairs for the
same foo.id don't accumulate---instead each one wipes out the previous
one, so the hstore column winds up with just one key/value pair.

Any suggestions for making this one big UPDATE?


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Paul Jungwirth
<pj@illuminatedcomputing.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to migrate an existing hstore column to json in Postgres
> 9.3, and I'd like to be able to run the script in reverse. I know not
> all JSON can turn back into hstore, but since this is coming from an
> old hstore column, I know the structure is flat (no nesting), and that
> all values are strings.
> Here is the SQL I'm using to go hstore -> json:
> UPDATE foo
> SET datahash_new = to_json(datahash_old)
> ;
> Is there any SQL I can use to go backwards?:
> UPDATE foo
> SET datahash_old = xxxxx(datahash_new)
> ;
> I understand why there is not a general-purpose solution, but in my
> case this should be possible. I've tried to cook something up with
> json_each_text, but I haven't been able to figure it out. Can anyone
> offer any help?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> --
> _________________________________
> Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.

Pulchritudo splendor veritatis.