Обсуждение: Why is pg_restore trying to create tables in pg_catalog?


Why is pg_restore trying to create tables in pg_catalog?

Seamus Abshere

Why is pg_restore trying to put stuff into the pg_catalog schema of all

It's ignoring the schema specified in the pg_dump itself (`myschema`)
and even my search_path (`public`).

$ psql stuff_development --command "show search_path"
(1 row)
$ pg_restore --list stuff.pg_dump
; Archive created at Fri Apr  4 00:55:50 2014
;     dbname: stuff_development
;     TOC Entries: 14
;     Compression: -1
;     Dump Version: 1.12-0
;     Format: CUSTOM
;     Integer: 4 bytes
;     Offset: 8 bytes
;     Dumped from database version: 9.3.4
;     Dumped by pg_dump version: 9.3.4
; Selected TOC Entries:
205; 1259 95675 TABLE myschema stuff_one myuser
3312; 0 95675 TABLE DATA myschema stuff_one myuser
$ pg_restore --verbose --no-owner --no-privileges --dbname
stuff_development stuff.pg_dump
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: creating TABLE stuff_one
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 205; 1259 95675 TABLE
stuff_one myuser
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  permission
denied to create "pg_catalog.stuff_one"
DETAIL:  System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.
     Command was: CREATE TABLE stuff_one (
     the_geom public.geometry

Thank you!

Seamus Abshere, SCEA

Re: Why is pg_restore trying to create tables in pg_catalog?

Tom Lane
Seamus Abshere <seamus@abshere.net> writes:
> Why is pg_restore trying to put stuff into the pg_catalog schema of all
> places?

Hm ... does myschema actually exist in the target database?  If it
doesn't, and the dump file doesn't include a command to create it,
this is what you'll get.  That's because what pg_dump emits is

SET search_path = myschema, pg_catalog;

and at the moment, if myschema doesn't exist, the creation target
devolves to pg_catalog.  This is not terribly elegant but I'm not
sure if there's consensus to change it.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Why is pg_restore trying to create tables in pg_catalog?

Seamus Abshere
On 4/4/14, 12:58 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Seamus Abshere <seamus@abshere.net> writes:
>> Why is pg_restore trying to put stuff into the pg_catalog schema of all places?
> Hm ... does myschema actually exist in the target database? [...] if myschema doesn't exist, the creation target
devolvesto pg_catalog.  This is not terribly elegant but I'm not sure if there's consensus to change it. 


You're right, myschema didn't exist (I thought I had created it
separately, etc.)

Perhaps it would be good to warn the user (at least in --verbose) if
it's auto-devolving to pg_catalog?

Thanks again,

PS. Otherwise, if you google the error message, you get a whole bunch of
stackoverflow posts recommending you make your user a superuser so you
can write to pg_catalog, which probably isn't what the person wanted in
the first place.

Seamus Abshere, SCEA
+598 99 54 99 54

Re: Why is pg_restore trying to create tables in pg_catalog?

Tom Lane
Seamus Abshere <seamus@abshere.net> writes:
> On 4/4/14, 12:58 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hm ... does myschema actually exist in the target database? [...] if myschema doesn't exist, the creation target
devolvesto pg_catalog.  This is not terribly elegant but I'm not sure if there's consensus to change it. 

> You're right, myschema didn't exist (I thought I had created it
> separately, etc.)

> Perhaps it would be good to warn the user (at least in --verbose) if
> it's auto-devolving to pg_catalog?

Well, the real point is we don't want it to auto-devolve to pg_catalog
in the first place.  I've restarted the discussion about this on
pgsql-hackers, we'll see if it goes anywhere this time:

            regards, tom lane