Обсуждение: Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information with SQL query in mail?


Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information with SQL query in mail?

AI Rumman
Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information with SQL query in mail? 

Re: Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information with SQL query in mail?

Steve Crawford
On 01/02/2013 08:55 AM, AI Rumman wrote:
> Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR
> information with SQL query in mail?
I can't comment on Nagios, but I do the same basic thing by routing
PostgreSQL logging through syslog which is configured to copy
significant errors into a secondary temporary file. This file is
checked/cleared by a simple cron script that runs every five minutes. If
errors exist, they are routed to my department for investigation.

Security note: Error messages have the potential to contain
names/SSN/medical-data/passwords and other sensitive information so it
is best to ensure that such messages stay inside your perimeter and that
they are routed only to a minimal number of trusted administrators.


Re: Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information with SQL query in mail?

Peter Geoghegan
On 2 January 2013 16:55, AI Rumman <rummandba@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any plugin for Nagios, which sends Postgresql ERROR information
> with SQL query in mail?

It has nothing to do with Nagious, but tail_n_mail may do what you want here.

Peter Geoghegan       http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services