Обсуждение: is 9.x so much better than 8.x?


is 9.x so much better than 8.x?

Geert Mak
hi guys,

yesterday we upgraded 8.x to 9.x

in one table we have nearly 50 million records which are, every night, crunched by an insanely complex stored procedure
writtenin plpgsql 

this takes normally 3 to 3 1/2 hours

after the upgrade it took only 2 hours

do you think this is because 9.x performs better or is it possible that our 8.x installation has been muddled up
somehow?(we did totally clean install/upgrade with drop/import) 


Re: is 9.x so much better than 8.x?

"Kevin Grittner"
Geert Mak <pobox@verysmall.org> wrote:

> yesterday we upgraded 8.x to 9.x
> in one table we have nearly 50 million records which are, every
> night, crunched by an insanely complex stored procedure written in
> plpgsql
> this takes normally 3 to 3 1/2 hours
> after the upgrade it took only 2 hours
> do you think this is because 9.x performs better or is it possible
> that our 8.x installation has been muddled up somehow? (we did
> totally clean install/upgrade with drop/import)

8.x covers five major releases with some very important performance
improvements from one to the next.  9.x covers two major production
releases and a new major release in beta testing.  So, if you went
from 8.0 to 9.1 I'd be surprised not to see a much bigger
improvement.  If you went from 8.4 to 9.0 it might have been at
least partly a matter of the conversion eliminating some bloat.



Re: is 9.x so much better than 8.x?

Vick Khera
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Geert Mak <pobox@verysmall.org> wrote:
do you think this is because 9.x performs better or is it possible that our 8.x installation has been muddled up somehow? (we did totally clean install/upgrade with drop/import)

Part of it will be from having a much more compacted table structure from the dump/reload.  Over time you get fragmentation even with aggressive vacuum runs.