Обсуждение: unable to find function to encrypt text using 3des algorithm with 3 independent keys


unable to find function to encrypt text using 3des algorithm with 3 independent keys

vijay bikas
dear !

I have a project in which we want to encrypt and decrypt data using 3des algorithm using 3 independent keys .
I am unable to find the inbuilt  function in postgres to encrypt and decrypt data using 3des with 3 independent keys.

Pls guide me .

Thanks !
Vijay Bikas
Soft. Engineer.
NSPL, Mumbai

Re: unable to find function to encrypt text using 3des algorithm with 3 independent keys

Chris Travers
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 2:58 AM, vijay bikas <vijay.bikas@gmail.com> wrote:
> dear !
> I have a project in which we want to encrypt and decrypt data using 3des
> algorithm using 3 independent keys .
> I am unable to find the inbuilt  function in postgres to encrypt and decrypt
> data using 3des with 3 independent keys.
> Pls guide me .

Look into pg-crypto:

(just the first version that popped up for me, but the contrib module
is supported on all other versions currently supported)

Best Wishes,
Chris travers

> Thanks !
> Vijay Bikas
> Soft. Engineer.
> NSPL, Mumbai